Tick Tock's version of trade_plaza suggestions


Retired Scrub
Talked with Gatherix a couple days ago and he requested some changes that would give the same plaza feel, but still be new. It's about halfway between the size of plaze and the size it was before our conversation.

Trying to figure out how to improve the spawn doors. The other setup I was using had some flaws in it, such as the ability for players to stand under the door and other things. I may have to move the spawns a little bit to reduce the camping as I'm still set on keeping the spawn exits from facing each other.

I'm planning on making a VIP area for the Premium thing after I finish the door situation.

I'll probably finish this up tomorrow or the next day, but I'm feeling really good about the map :3


Retired Scrub
That's probably one of the most ridiculous responses I've read in a while. And I used to admin a Minecraft server.

It's not a competition, dude. Neither of us have been given a guarantee that our map will be used, so there's really no need for these "my map is better than yours" statements. Neither one is better than the other. They're two very different maps.


Retired Scrub
It's hard to tell if you're serious or not when you've taken obvious jokes personally in the past, but I'll leave that alone.

I built my map mostly on input from Tick, some from Gatherix, and the rest just from my own head. I don't care if my map gets used on 2, 5, 3, applesauce or pancakes. I really don't. I made the map to get familiar with Hammer and this request was an opportunity to do so. The end result may be similar, but the intent behind these creations are very very different.


Retired Scrub
Much like a lot of other conversations between the two of us, we'll have to agree to disagree and call it there.

Tick Tock Man

Senior TF2 Admin
Staff member
While seriously I doubt this will occur, I would love to see both loaded and the ability to switch between.

We should probably keep in mind that the original intent behind this was to make a better map for Darkly, not as a basis for any competition in mapping or anything else. Indeed there will be some similarities, but I hope enough differences to make each stand out on it's own...

No matter how it works out - just wanted to say Thanks to both of you for the effort!

Tick Tock Man

Senior TF2 Admin
Staff member
Competition results in a better end product. I see no issue with competition, cmp and I just need to not make this personal :P (which it isn't)

Competition CAN produce better results in some circumstances - this is not one of those times.


Retired Scrub
While seriously I doubt this will occur, I would love to see both loaded and the ability to switch between.

We should probably keep in mind that the original intent behind this was to make a better map for Darkly, not as a basis for any competition in mapping or anything else. Indeed there will be some similarities, but I hope enough differences to make each stand out on it's own...

No matter how it works out - just wanted to say Thanks to both of you for the effort!

That was my meaning from before. There is no need for competition when there's no assurance that there will be a "winner." You said it perfectly, Tick. The idea was to make a better map for Darkly. As I stated above, I made this map for my own learning and that hasn't changed. That was and still is my main purpose. However, the functions requested were a great way for me to expand upon what I was learning and push myself and if the end product is something Darkly wants to use, even better.

I've already gotten what I wanted out of the map and that was the knowledge of how they work and how to make one. Regardless of what happens with this "competition," I'll still have that knowledge, so beyond that really won't affect me.

Thank you, Tick.


Senior TF2 Admin
Anything's better than the one we have now tbh, no matter which goes on. it's one of my LEAST favorite servers right now.


Retired Scrub
I am excited to see your final product, Ludi. I know you're a great designer with maps and it'll be interesting to see what you do with plaza. Best of luck =)


Retired Scrub
Still prefer #4, it has a few exits to lessen camping. The Nether and HHH suck, though.

Not with Buddha :yaoming:

It's actually helpful because the HHH attacks me, letting other players attack him and take him down faster. And the nether is perfect for sticky jumping. Just wish I had a command for refilling ammo :c


Retired Scrub
The map is almost ready. Haze requested a miniature park reminiscent of trade_park on the old New York server, so I'm working on that at the moment.

The VIP room is ready (put my own little prop in there :3).

I fixed the spycrab booth bug. I'm fixing the cubemaps now so things are shiny as they should be. Hopefully it works!


Senior TF2 Admin
The map is almost ready. Haze requested a miniature park reminiscent of trade_park on the old New York server, so I'm working on that at the moment.

The VIP room is ready (put my own little prop in there :3) and as soon as I get all the bugs stamped out, I'll pack it up and ship it to Gatherix.

New York had a great server, but no one played enough. :( Still see some of the old regs from there though, and it's nice. We do need to use that map or one similar to it again.


Retired Scrub
Your mini park:

Premium Room:

Packing up the map now. :D

Forgot to mention, I didn't like the look of the cubemaps, so I took those out.

Tick found a sizing issue with the event rooms, so those will be fixed when I get back. The map will be finished, I promise! xD