how does it go to shit?
i was on last night
1. i never once got nicked by the AWP, in fact, i got killed more times by the scout last night than AWP
2. the server was still full
3. i dont know what "noobs" you are talking about, its not like the server gets a siren with flashy lights when randoms search for a place to play.
4. when guys like buckshot, jr, bman and nick are on, i'm just as afraid of getting killed in one shot as if there was an AWP
ive been scouted through walls, ive been scouted point blank, its just as deadly, if not more since those weilding it can run quicker.
giving a noob an AWP does not make him a good player, where does this mentality come from?
hell giving a good player and AWP will not make him a better player, unless that player has been honing his skills with the AWP exclusively, like some of the SIR guys who actually play CAL.
ive learned to deal with AWP's, a long time ago, and i deal with them pretty well,
maybe if you worked on your game you wouldnt bitch so much.