The Old Republic 2.0


TD Admin | Bacon
TOR has now gone the way of TF2 and is F2P with things to buy and unlock with $$, they also offer full access for $15/m .

Free accounts can... lvl all story lines 1-50, do 5 Warzones a week, 2 flashpoints a day for bonus xp, no raids, bunch of other limitations on chat, AH, money cap and other shit like bank access.

That being said.

Forming and epic TD huttball team for the 5 free pvps a week. Gonna prolly lvl the jedi story lines too.

TOR had really good quests IMO.

Come back TT & 47!!! Join Pyro and me for hutts ownage again.

It seems the servers have changed(200 servers turned into 10 LOL). I am now on a server called "Prophecy of the five".

Stupid fucking EA MMO fail at launch. Game was awesome minus the DEAD FUCKING SERVERS EVERYWHERE. LOW POP FTL.... to many servers at launch for sure.

Still fun tho
