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The Obama Deception

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I agree, but to be honest, Here Be Dragons is the same shit, just opposite. No proof, just teaches you how to think, but by whose standards?

It's all the same, grow up and see for yourself.


TD Admin
alot of whats stated in this doc is also stated in zeitgiest. aside from the whole obama bit.

world bank, new world order, martial law...all that jazz

anyway. i thought the doc was good. and in the doc he challenges people to do the research yourself, he doesnt expect you to just eat it up. i challenge anybody to find one thing that he says and prove that its untrue.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
That just goes to show Dean's point though... People make these doc's with wicked claims etc etc but never back it up. No one ends up proving it, and no one ends up disproving it - so we end up back at square 1 = theory/conspiracy.
Political documentaries/bands/ideals piss me off in general because they are a waste of time, like Dean said. We live in and are a largely misinformed society. These movies do more to hurt society than to help, they seek to blur and obfuscate the vast and intricate layers of our social construct in order to wedge in these one-sided, biased opinions on shit and call it intellect. Fuck that, I could shit on the floor and smear it into a perfect 1:1 representation of Mona Lisa, but all I really accomplished was to piss off your mother by ruining her floors, five minutes before your Dad is going to walk in the door. I still haven't even put my pants back on. Now thats what I call a shitty situation. It would have been better for all of us if I had dropped her 'tween the titties like yer mummas wanted. All aboard for Cleveland... choo choo.

Also, Joe Rogan (outside of MMA) is a tool.


TD Member
I used to be heavy into conspiracy theories, zeitgeist, loose change, endgame, HAARP, etc. whatever it was I watched it almost continuous and somewhat believed what was said. at the time it seemed to be logical. I would spend most of my time downloading new "Documentaries" and then planning for the ensuing shitstorm that was predicted.
I would ask my peers for their opinions and reviews (like Archduke had) but none of them could give me a straight answer or steer me towards logic. I remember not knowing how to be skeptical not knowing how to analyze shit for logic or how to troll for that matter.

It wasn't until my stepfather challenged me on these facts. also stumbling on skeptoid.com forums helped a bit too by hearing the counterarguments in detail.

now the only doc's I'm interested in now are about space and the universe.
also www.TED.com (Technology Education Development) and they always have presentations on awesome technological developments and bleeding edge shit like that.
inb4 nice wall of text faggot