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The move is finished, and I want to throw a TD lan !


TD Member
The new place is great ! Narf, Drew, thnx for all the help ! The next lan party is happening here, more then enough room...
So in the coming months I will work out when a lan date can be worked out, no more 6-7 more comps will fit in the living room...
So who want in ???


TD Admin
I am there =D. Show you fucks all those hax I got ;)
I bet you you'll play like shit because people will be looking over your shoulder like a hawk to see which key you have set bind to 'cl_cheats_toggle_aimbot'

EDIT: I'm in (of course!)


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
so. were going to be playing wow right?
i lol'd. good 1


TD Admin
Never been to one, I'm down! :D

just bunch of fags all fitted into 1 room XD


TD Admin
What Hinouchi said, then usually when everyone is well drunk we line up and do a massive dutch rudder train.