The Linux Thread


TD Admin
**This thread is for discusing Linux programs, problems, and procedures**

So I just got myself a SSD and merged it with my HDD. Now on my HDD i installed Linux Ubuntu 11.10, this is my first install of Linux and i have a lot of learning to do. I set up 3 partitions "/" - 50gb, "/boot" - 5gb, "/swap" - 20gb, and a fourth i plan to use as windows back up and shared folder between the two OS's. Like i said i am a newb to Linux and don't quite understand how these partitions are to be used.

So my first question is how to get windows boot loader to recgonize grub or what ever it has to, so i can choose which OS to boot. If i boot Linux first grub has an option to boot windows, so why cant windows do the same. The reason i want to do this is to make it easier for my girlfriend to use. Also so i can just hit the power button and walk away and have windows boot, seeings how that will be my primary OS for the time being.

I will have more questions as i explore, i plan on having to uninstall and repartition the drive a couple times as i learn what i am doing. I am typing this from Linux so there is one step in the right direction :)

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
it's all about micro$oft man. install linux on a watch or something, it sucks dick for games and surfing youtube. what distro are you using?

anyways install windows first, then your linux, grub will handle your bootup correctly if you follow that order.

i like to try distros from time to time, i have a few virtual boxes debian, open suse, ubuntu.

i am running another box with ssh, irssi, and screen, i can idle all day in live chat and use putty from wherever to join the fun, on my work

computer, on my phone laying on a bench in a park etc.

ubuntu you can add screen and irssi in terminal "sudo apt-get install irssi screen"

here is a tutorial i found useful

definitely learn how to use putty to ssh into your box, that is the shit right there.


TD Admin
i love linux its so bad they are not that quite good for gaming yet...
i personnally have ubuntu box, centos slackware opensuse and debian and 1 virtualbox with mint
i prefer ubuntu easy to use and i suggest if you start using that one


TD Member
anyways install windows first, then your linux, grub will handle your bootup correctly if you follow that order.

that's how it works. dead mike, i'll prolly get back to you on SSH since I want to use this box I'm on now for tunneling in the future. HBC: install KDE on Ubuntu so your woman can use it without terminal. Unity is a piece of fucking shit. I'd switch to Arch but there's just no beating Canonical support.


TD Admin
Like it was mentioned above grub can see Windows. But if you need another boot loader to find Linux just try something like Acronis OS selector, it will find everything.


TD Admin
Btw, what did you bought?

I got the Intel 320 series 120 gb, my pops bought this one, says he loves it. So far i seem to like it too.

Also i have been using grub as my boot, i was just wondering if there was a way to use windows booter to do the job. Or maybe a way top change grub around so it will boot windows by default instead of ubuntu.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
ubuntu used to use startup-manager (download in software centre) for that job, i am not sure if it will work or not these days, you can try it, if it doesn't you will likely have to edit a config file somewhere.... make sure you find the right instructions, its different from older versions of ubuntu (grub vs grub2)

here's some relevant reading for ya


TD Admin
just curious what you are using Ubuntu for? if it's just messing around, I would probably go the easy way and just boot into windows and install a Virtual machine with VMWare