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the first video game console

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TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
man, that guy is awesome !!!!

so so much the game console ! u have to stick the graphics on to your screen !!! haha wtf ! 1972 sucked ass for gaming, id rather go to roller disco !
I remember seeing that machine in a garage sale when I was younger, that & a pong machine, wanted it so bad, glad I didn't get it! ;).

My fist console was the Colecovision, Donkey Kong!


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
1st video game i ever played was pong. the controller was similar to the above POS, but only 1 knob instead of 2. the console had built-in games, pong and other garbage. ever since that day (about 20 yrs ago) ive been playing games like a crack fiend.
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