TF2 Update Teasers?

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Professional Cocksucker
[quote1260739614=LoW BuDgEt]

Yah, some guy mentioned something about it last night in the server, i was about to say this isnt some World of Warcraft game kiddo but luckily i bit my tongue haha.


TD Member
lol shortbuss it is a wow game now :) maybe this is what the weapon level is for higher level = better loot? still might make tf2 better for me


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
so no new weapons ? pffft, weak. i though it was like, mix hat+gun+sandvich = head mounted sandvich turret !


TD Member
3 butterfly knives = spear?

lol maybe youll get throwing knives instead of a gun


TD Member
THAT is the most badass weapon i have ever seen :). ok im gonna start playing tf2 again this update is looking realy fun


TD Admin
New primary slot demo man item.

lol wtf? This is stupid. What are the soldiers going to get chain mail and a medieval battle axe?

I would not be surprised if that was the case...

Although any Demo using the sword will also be using that damn shield. The Demo will turn into more of a tank than the Heavy. One thing's for sure: it'll be interesting :)
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