Tf2 trade PAN

pan or nope.avi

  • yes :3

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • NO >:)

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters


I'm New Here
I know the reasoning about not implementing the frying pan into darkly servers, I know about the complaining about the noise and how annoying it may be but still there have been many times when I've wanted to step outta spawn and be a legit demopan :( (instead of walking around with bottle instead of the pan). I know im asking a lot but I was wondering if theres even a slight chance of allowing the pan into the system for like one day a week or something and allow it on different days for every trade server so if peeps get annoyed they can server hop to a different darkly server. just wondering if my dream of being able to take the pan out for a quick spin around the block before going back to black boxing can be a reality for one day a week...


im usually on trade #1 say hi if ya see me :)


I'm New Here
you good sir/madam have dishonored the name of the pan I challenge thee to a duel to the death on trade number one ill bring my bottle of booze and teach ya a lesson

I guarentee if the frying pan was enabled on the servers a lot of trolls would just spam it A LOT and people would probably leave. I think its better to keep people on the servers instead of having the pan enabled.


DARKLY Regular
I had a pan equiped on my sniper so i always forgot it was banned so in the middle of the fight i wanted to pull out my pan and give them a clonk on the head and then it would let me pull it out so i always get destroyed.