TF2- The Best Game Ever vs. The Game For Fools


I'm New Here
I have heard from a lot of online gamers from Play Station, Xbox, DS forums that people have begun to lose interest in play TF2 and the other long lasting computer games. I'm so confused on it because I play TF2 and more games on the computer and the popularity is bouncing around a chart, going up and down but staying in a zone that makes it look like the other gamers on other systems are lying. Help me understand where this is coming from.


DARKLY Regular
Economy seems good for me. Made 20$ in the last 2 days. Not gonna tell how, I don't want people here to be getting unusuals in a week..


Senior TF2 Admin
In the words of Bill Clinton: It's the economy, stupid. But really, a lot of people aren't happy with the combo of rising key prices and for nontraders, lack of new weapons.