TF2 Servers


A Little Darkly
Just wondering,
Why is it that there are so many TF2 servers.....and every single one of them a goddamn trade / idle?
What are the chances of having a vanilla style pub for playing in, rather then goofing off like children.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
We had them before, they were not being used. If you guys will actually play on the TF2 pub, we may bring it back. But what's the point of having an empty server 24/7?


Death by Darkly
A pub server would be fantastic provided its setup alright. Oftentimes on the servers people ask about it. And to me, idles eating up slots that could be players or traders are worse than empty slots. An unusual trading server would be great too, including for Darkky's image.


Senior TF2 Admin
I would be happy to help in any way with a TF2 pub server. I can definitely help in getting players on it and would be open to doing anything else needed to get it the server off the ground.


TD Admin / Wanker
How about an events server, PropHunt, Zombie Fortress, Hidden.
Those kinds of servers are always quite popular.


Death by Darkly
How about an events server, PropHunt, Zombie Fortress, Hidden.
Those kinds of servers are always quite popular.

Well, we have how many trade servers? 12? Morph 3 of them into unusual trading, event, and regular pub, and then add a (long) AFK auto-kick timer to the servers - you'll then have 3 new awesome servers and the old trade servers will actually be more efficient than before without people who stay logged on for over 8 hours at a time.


TD Admin
I think before darkly had payload servers and those were empty, therefore the all trade servers. Sound good if people play on pub server ^


A Little Darkly
Honestly I haven't touched TF2 in a long time due to lack of a good server to play on.
Sorry if I sounded a little blunt but I was shocked to see that such a great community has such a large amount of waste servers.
I know trading has become a staple of TF2, but that's also why it's lost it's credibility.

As far as events and spy crabbing go.......go play with the 4chan kids, they're into that stuff :yaoming:


Death by Darkly
Pinion support, maybe? I dunno either... :flerp:

I've seen several pub servers with advertisements that function similar to Pinion. And wouldn't an unusual trade server constitute a trade server anyway?

And with a pub server comes the ability to add donater benefits too, which provide great, fair incentives to donate and from my previous experience and observation work quite nicely. And on the topic of donations... every once in a while I get kicked from a Darkly server because of someone with a reserved slot joining. I remember that being a perk for donators well over a year ago - is that still happening or something?


TD Admin
Ye, some servers offer reserve slots, some kind of message when a donator joins a server. I have seen servers have it.


A Little Darkly
All that is food for thought and all....
But consider this;

What type of personalities (generalizing here) do trade servers bring in?
Of course they bring in the silliness that comes with mucking about in events and trading.

Now pubs?
They bring actual dedicated members, looking to gain a community of friendship and familiar faces.
Not saying the trades don't, but for the most part people are looking to gain in some way or less.
Let's swap one server to a pub, as long as there isn't a cost implication, and try to see if we can't make some friends.


Senior TF2 Admin
In all seriousness, i back the idea of a pub server. I also would back the idea of an unusual server as well. Those are a lot less prevalent and almost always full.