TF2 Servers


DARKLY Regular
Every time a person joins the trade servers Darkly get's Ad Revenue from the front page thing.
That accounts for most of the server costs, the donations just help with the rest.
Couldnt you just put the ad on the changed server as well?

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Every time a person joins the trade servers Darkly get's Ad Revenue from the front page thing.
That accounts for most of the server costs, the donations just help with the rest.

Actually Pinion changed their policy effective 2013. You now need a completion rate of 60% or more in order to get any revenue from the ad. So that means that when people skip the ads, we don't get anything. Before this change, we got revenue whether or not they watched the ad. We're just waiting to see how badly our ad revenue has been or will be affected after this month and maybe February before we revise and make any increase to our donation goal.

Couldnt you just put the ad on the changed server as well?

Yes, but if we sacrifice a successful trade server to replace it with a pub that is likely to sit empty, then we lose there. Only way not to lose anything with a pub server is to create a new server in addition to the ones we currently have.


Death by Darkly
Actually Pinion changed their policy effective 2013. You now need a completion rate of 60% or more in order to get any revenue from the ad. So that means that when people skip the ads, we don't get anything. Before this change, we got revenue whether or not they watched the ad. We're just waiting to see how badly our ad revenue has been or will be affected after this month and maybe February before we revise and make any increase to our donation goal.

Yes, but if we sacrifice a successful trade server to replace it with a pub that is likely to sit empty, then we lose there. Only way not to lose anything with a pub server is to create a new server in addition to the ones we currently have.

How is a completion that's not 100% possible since the implementation of the required 30-second wait period?

If you want to increase revenue, remove the idling or add an auto-kick feature. Besides making the trading better (since more players that aren't sleeping are logged on), it would also increase ad revenue because it'd result in more players logging on/off, which is more ads viewed - really, how many times would an ad be viewed by one slot in the 8-hour time period an idler sits there and does squat? A good 20% of players are usually idlers too. 6 slots freed for 12 servers... that's about 70 more slots of players joining and leaving, viewing ads. The idling really does just clog up servers, decreasing trading efficiency and lowering potential revenue to be gained from ads. If a player wants to idle, they can either join one of the many idling servers or just create a local server with extreme ease by prodding the "Create Server" button. You don't need another server to idle. That's not the case with trading. All those trade lemmings are out there to give us moolah with advertising.

Unusual servers are typically high in demand, and I'd expect one to be filled regularly. In terms of the pub server, yes, it'd probably be a bit experimental. But if it ends up working, adding donation benefits could end up bringing in more revenue than a trade server. Could be worth doing a trial run to see how it turns out.

Also, after having seen the trailer for Hansel and Gretel around 50 times by now, I could only blow my brains out if I actually went and watched it...


TF2 Admin
How is a completion that's not 100% possible since the implementation of the required 30-second wait period?

If you want to increase revenue, remove the idling or add an auto-kick feature. Besides making the trading better (since more players that aren't sleeping are logged on), it would also increase ad revenue because it'd result in more players logging on/off, which is more ads viewed - really, how many times would an ad be viewed by one slot in the 8-hour time period an idler sits there and does squat? A good 20% of players are usually idlers too. 6 slots freed for 12 servers... that's about 70 more slots of players joining and leaving, viewing ads. The idling really does just clog up servers, decreasing trading efficiency and lowering potential revenue to be gained from ads. If a player wants to idle, they can either join one of the many idling servers or just create a local server with extreme ease by prodding the "Create Server" button. You don't need another server to idle. That's not the case with trading. All those trade lemmings are out there to give us moolah with advertising.

Unusual servers are typically high in demand, and I'd expect one to be filled regularly. In terms of the pub server, yes, it'd probably be a bit experimental. But if it ends up working, adding donation benefits could end up bringing in more revenue than a trade server. Could be worth doing a trial run to see how it turns out.


Captain Shifty

I'm New Here
New to the forums just wanted to put my sense in this as someone who'd like to see a darkly tf2 server since I've done some gaming on the darkly CS servers and enjoy the nice ping and playing with darkly regulars who actually have some skill.

I'd love to be able to experience that on TF2. In terms of populating a "real server" with half decent players though i'd like to put some consideration in for you.

1. Make a Server group on steam of regulars. One of the main regulars or admins of the group can shoot a message around popular playing time to get the server started.

2. Pubs are your friends there gonna make your server full so enforce some rules on just not being a dick and such making people be mature players and what not.

3. Class imbalances can really kill a server when you have 6 people who wont go anything but sniper. Sticking a class limit like 2 snipe, 2 spy and three of everything else can prevent things from getting out of hand and generally makes things more fun in my oppinion.

4. For the regulars set the stats server for a season. The people choose 6 or 7 maps and for the season those get played and you get some recognition at the end for being the best or maybe you do poor but are a really friendly guy. Makes things a little more interesting people get to know each other a bit.

5. throw in a captains night for regulars once and a while and play some random maps.

6. Put in a bot kicker for people who trade while playing once the setup timer has finished

If you guys do get around to making a server i'd love to come and join.


Death by Darkly
New to the forums just wanted to put my sense in this as someone who'd like to see a darkly tf2 server since I've done some gaming on the darkly CS servers and enjoy the nice ping and playing with darkly regulars who actually have some skill.

I'd love to be able to experience that on TF2. In terms of populating a "real server" with half decent players though i'd like to put some consideration in for you.

1. Make a Server group on steam of regulars. One of the main regulars or admins of the group can shoot a message around popular playing time to get the server started.

2. Pubs are your friends there gonna make your server full so enforce some rules on just not being a dick and such making people be mature players and what not.

3. Class imbalances can really kill a server when you have 6 people who wont go anything but sniper. Sticking a class limit like 2 snipe, 2 spy and three of everything else can prevent things from getting out of hand and generally makes things more fun in my oppinion.

4. For the regulars set the stats server for a season. The people choose 6 or 7 maps and for the season those get played and you get some recognition at the end for being the best or maybe you do poor but are a really friendly guy. Makes things a little more interesting people get to know each other a bit.

5. throw in a captains night for regulars once and a while and play some random maps.

6. Put in a bot kicker for people who trade while playing once the setup timer has finished

If you guys do get around to making a server i'd love to come and join.
If you dont or in the mean time check out Team funcom. The players are friendly decently skilled we play 4-9pm EST usually

1. We have a group, actually. Whether it's active or not is a different story, though in my opinion announcements from groups asking me to join a game are irritating if the game is nothing more than a basic pub. Spamming a couple thousand people askign them to join a single pub server doesn't appear too fantastic. Siphoning off players from the trade servers would probably be more effective. If there were particular matches, games, or tournaments held, then it'd be a different situation, but that's not the case.

2. As is stated numerous times in this thread, a potential server in development would be released as a public server. Basic rules would apply as they naturally should on any server.

3. A good thing to consider, though considering our normal traffic I'm not sure if a more competitive and serious server would be better than a regular or wonky one. We'd need to experiment with this.

4. Neat idea, however it's difficult to pull off with a large community, and with stats the "best" player would end up beign the one with the most playtime, unless you went by something like a kill:death ratio, which isn't incredibly accurate in terms of skill in TF2.

5. Maybe not a Captain's Night specifically (again, hard to pull off in large communities), but the idea of regulary-held competitive, schedules events is very appealing and should definitely be considered, as it's an attractive feature and could help pull in traffic.

6. We have trade servers, not an issue.

All that said, we would need to figure out a way to work out the financial details first, before getting into details like these. And I think the general consensus is that it'd be a (hopefully) constantly filled server, which would also help with advertising revenue. Either way, thanks for the suggestions - depending on where this goes we'll do our best to weigh all of the user input. And for future reference, please refrain from advertising another community or clan you administer/are affiliated with on Darkly forums, servers, or any other Darkly-affiliated content. Upon reading this it would be appreciated if you removed the line advertising Team Funcom from your post with the Edit button at the bottom.


Death by Darkly
What is a TF2 Pub? It sounds interesting. Is it like the BEERHEAD map?

A "pub" or "pubbing" is short for public servers. It's used in most video games where a competitive style exists - "pubbing" is playing on a public server, generally for casual play. Thus, a "pub" server is a public server with regular gameplay maps, not trading.