TF2 Raffle House


TD Admin / Wanker
Some of you may have heard of this website, But also, some may have not.

There is a website called the TF2 Raffle House ( which is solely based on people raffling away their TF2 items!
I just wanted to let some of you know about this site because well, it's free!

Basically, if you win a raffle, you get free items. :D
I have won a LOT of hats on here, some weapons, stranges and even a key once.

I've seen at least 20+ Unusual raffles on here, that actually get delivered, and theres been buds, bills and all sorts.

Obviously, you are against the odds, and its unlikely that you will win, but a bit of persistence and you can be rolling in free stuff :P

Also, lets get a winnings thread started.
Let us know what your best win on this website is, if its something you personally love or something mega expensive!

My best win would be a raffle where I won a Dirty 9 Pipe Problem, a Clean Team Captain, a Clean Backwards Ballcap and a Clean Backbiters Billycock.
All from one raffle! :D