TF2 Highlander Team


I'm New Here
I bet this thread dies in less than 4 days...

Anyways I've been thinking about making a highlander team. I think it would be fun if Darkly had it's own HL team, so you need people to join. This is still an idea and shouldn't be taken as anything official.

So what would you need to join, uhm I think if there was a team I would like to start it off in iron or steel so you don't have to like be a pro TF2 player or anything to join...

You would want to have a class that you main, a decent number of hours on TF2, and maybe at least know how competitive TF2 works, if you don't know how it works it's pretty easy to learn.

If you are wondering what you can get out of playing TF2 competitively, well the team Menace To Society (the top plat team in UGC this season that finished 1st) won $200 in different types of prizes which is pretty cool.

Remember this is still an idea and probably will end up dead like the other thread that started about this sorta topic but maybe something can form out of it.

If you're interested, have any thoughts or comments or questions then leave them below