TF2 DARKLY Trade server administrator application

Game Handle(s): DARKLY | ✞ WolfGang ✞, ✞ WolfGang ✞, and, FateicusD.
SteamID: fatedog
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: N/A
Real First Name: Ryan
Age: 16
Location: Florida, United States of America
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Primarily the Trade server - NY
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: The Trade server - NY

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play? One month active, No. 40-50 hours, No.
Do you have a working mic? Yes

Player Profile
DARKLY | ✞ WolfGang ✞
Member of Clan:DARKLY
Location:Kissimmee, United States
Player ID:361,942
Unique ID:STEAM_0:0:40499308
Steam Community:76561198041264344
Real Name:Not Specified
Email Address:Not Specified
Homepage:Not Specified
Last Connect:49 minutes ago (Total: 25 Connects)
Connection Time:1 days 03:56:58 hours
Average Ping:103.10ms (Latency: 51.55ms)
Favorite Weapon: Sniperrifle


Staff member
Thanks for the application. Where in Florida are you? (I spend some of my winter there :P)
In both Kissimmee and Orlando, I tend to swap houses on holidays and weekends to visit my parents (or get away from one)... I spend almost all my online time on the trade server I could've sword I had 40 hours... then I went to game stats and felt like my life was a lie... had like 12...


Update: Now at 22:08:30 hours total online time

I don't quite get what you've said. In your application you've said that you have already obtained 40-50 hours of playtime, but now you say that you only have 22 hours and something of playtime.
Two things

Your Steam ID is incorrect. Please post your real Steam ID. That looks like a Steam Community ID, it is no longer valid.

Your Game Time is incorrect. According to the Stats, you have only accumulated 1 days 01:48:46 hours as of 16:00 Hours Pacific. That's 21:48, so no you do not have the 40 hours, when did you first start playing? According to this, it was sometime after July the 1st if I'm correct? Jul 9, 2012 11:34:04 am is the last recorded event I have for you, it is July the 17th at the time of this post, so no you have not actually played for at least a month. (Events go as far back as April.)

Stick around, fix the things noted above and who knows...?
I don't quite get what you've said. In your application you've said that you have already obtained 40-50 hours of playtime, but now you say that you only have 22 hours and something of playtime.

If you read it again it says I've played for a month but have only accumulated a day and a about an hour or two's online time.

Two things

Your Steam ID is incorrect. Please post your real Steam ID. That looks like a Steam Community ID, it is no longer valid.

Your Game Time is incorrect. According to the Stats, you have only accumulated 1 days 01:48:46 hours as of 16:00 Hours Pacific. That's 21:48, so no you do not have the 40 hours, when did you first start playing? According to this, it was sometime after July the 1st if I'm correct? Jul 9, 2012 11:34:04 am is the last recorded event I have for you, it is July the 17th at the time of this post, so no you have not actually played for at least a month. (Events go as far back as April.)

Stick around, fix the things noted above and who knows...?​

I'll have to fix some of that then, thank you.
And I guess I didnt realize I hadn't been on for a month.
And, sorry for so many "and's", if you read it it says "One month, yes." "40-50 hours, 22 and working" or something along those lines.

Thank you though.