• Guest, we are looking for good Team Fortress 2 Trade Server Staff Members

    TF2 Staff Members have access to in-game administrative abilities to aid in server control, and help in the development of Darkly TF2 as a whole

DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: SonicHydra

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I'm New Here
Game Handle(s): Sonic Hydra, SonicHydra, sonichydra
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41759995
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: N/A
Real First Name: Sorren
Age: 27
Location: England

Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: London, Toronto, Chicago

Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin:
I do a lot of trading on TF2, and if you check my comments on my steam profile you will see I'm a fair and friendly trader. As I'm in England though, I've noticed that the times at which I generally use the trade servers there aren't many (if any) Admins online, so I feel like I can fill a void and help out the community at the same time. Nothing frustrates me more than being in a trade server where people are being disruptive, spamming the trade chat, being abusive to fellow players, and there is no one about to deal with it.

I know a lot about the pricing structure and value of items/weapons, and I would be able to help prevent people getting scammed and keep it a fair and pleasant playing field.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play?
Yes I've been using the Darkly servers for a few months now, and as for play time on TF2 I'm on 951 hours at time of writing.
Do you have a working mic?
I do indeed.

Thanks for your time, I appreciate your consideration.

Sonic Hydra


TF2 Admin
When it asks: "...at least 40 hours of play?", it's asking if you have over 40 hours on these servers alone. Just saying.

The truth being that you have far over the minimum required time (at over 8 days). Nice.

Although, the one thing I would ask you change, is your SteamID, which isn't SonicHydra, but rather:


Anyways, stick around, get to know people. Most people on the forums are nice! :P


I'm New Here
Thanks for the info, I have edited my post so it has the correct Steam ID.

Also thank you for the warm welcome, I look forward to frequenting these forums and servers :)


TD Admin / Wanker
Definitely one of the better Applications around here so far.
Stick around and get to know everyone :D
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