Game Handle(s):
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37058580
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: None
Real First Name: Marco
Age: 13
Location: NY, NY
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Darkly Trade servers
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: As I go on darkly servers, I realize that there are very few admins. There are some people with the darkly tag, but barely any admins. The admins that are on there abuse their power a bit. If I become an admin, I will not abuse my power. I will use it correctly and fairly. Trolling? It's good for a laugh, but don't take it to far. Calling people gay or faggots? Stop. Continue? Kick. Do it again? Ban.
Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play? Yes
Do you have a working mic? Yes
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37058580
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: None
Real First Name: Marco
Age: 13
Location: NY, NY
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Darkly Trade servers
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: As I go on darkly servers, I realize that there are very few admins. There are some people with the darkly tag, but barely any admins. The admins that are on there abuse their power a bit. If I become an admin, I will not abuse my power. I will use it correctly and fairly. Trolling? It's good for a laugh, but don't take it to far. Calling people gay or faggots? Stop. Continue? Kick. Do it again? Ban.
Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play? Yes
Do you have a working mic? Yes