TF2 Admin Application reposted for the third (and hopefully final) time

Game Handle(s):
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37058580
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: None
Real First Name: Marco
Age: 13
Location: NY, NY
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: Darkly Trade servers
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: As I go on darkly servers, I realize that there are very few admins. There are some people with the darkly tag, but barely any admins. The admins that are on there abuse their power a bit. If I become an admin, I will not abuse my power. I will use it correctly and fairly. Trolling? It's good for a laugh, but don't take it to far. Calling people gay or faggots? Stop. Continue? Kick. Do it again? Ban.

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play? Yes
Do you have a working mic? Yes
I have not heard of any "Abuse", there are people who do not use the DARKLY Tag, having said tag doesn't make one an Administrator. While your heart, sort of, may be in the right place, I'm not convinced you could use good judgement during your course of your stay here.

Also, I think your views on responding may be too strict, it's a Trade Server and some rules, do not apply here. <- Fix that instead of just re-posting, gives me the idea that you're impatient. Finally, you're missing your Game Handle(s).

Regardless, stay on the servers, post among the other mentlegen here, who knows...?

Thank you for your application and be advised that if there are people causing you issues, grieving, or generally being assholes, you are more than welcome to make a Ban Request. That would be a first step in the right direction if you can fill out forms correctly, accurately, and truthfully in order to have these "trolls".
I understand. I will not be reposting my admin application however, because I still stick by my way of thinking.

That's fine, what I'm looking for others is to be able to understand the rules, enforce them without coming on as arrogant/threatening and then make quick, good decisions when the time comes. Hacking, cheating, comes in many forms, and can happen in the blink of an eye. It's up to us to catch it before they piss off the players and cause them to leave, forever.

Stick around though, we have some great people to trade and play with.