• Guest, we are looking for good Team Fortress 2 Trade Server Staff Members

    TF2 Staff Members have access to in-game administrative abilities to aid in server control, and help in the development of Darkly TF2 as a whole

DENIED [TF2] Admin Application: Jonathan

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I'm New Here
Game Handle(s): Changed Jd6471
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:4566787
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: TF2ChaoticServer (member), Tf2 Extreme Severs (member), Saxton Hell (Meember), Ozfurcity (Member)
Real First Name: Jonathan
Age: 15
Location: United States
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: trade_minecraft_b38, trade_plaza
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: I decided to apply since I've been playing for a while then i saw [Darklygaiming.com is recruiting admins] so i decided to give it a shot, but i will make sure there is no rule breakers when there is no other admins online or at anytime, To help out with the server, i like to help out others , Could possibly donate some money to you, make sure people on the server is having fun looking for a active group of player that like to have fun I could help recruit player to the server + forums I will not abuse my powers as a admin and not rage at players i can make sure we have no scammers if someone is spamming, being a jerk I will handle it calmly and properly

If i get denied i will stay with DARKLY :)

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play? Yes i have, but i recently join forums i saw the server in my favorites from a time ago so i decided to just now join the forums but yes i have just been to lazy to join forums so just joined...
Do you have a working mic? Yes i have a mic that works

Any other question email jonathan.6655@live.com thank you for your time


TF2 Admin
Hey there!

Although I can't seem to find your stats page...I see that there is a Steam acct. by that name.

I guess the only thing I can say without that is which DARKLY TF2 servers being the city name with the # (ex. Toronto #1)?


TF2 Admin
Okay never mind that last one. Another admin was able to procure it for me.

You don't seem to have the required time on the servers.

Around 7 hours and 50 minutes total connected time. Nor do you seem to have the required time since first connect.

Without the required time, you won't be granted admin.

Regardless, stick around, and welcome to the forums!
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