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Texting and Driving British Ad

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OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
SSSSSSSSICK PSA! I wish North America had the balls and intelligence to post something like this. If you think about it, commercials (now/lately) run 3-5 minutes straight between programs anyways, might as well put something like this on. It can't be against the broadcasting law, judging by the South Park/Family Guy/Other shows that allow words like "ass", "penis", "Vaginal Cream/yeast infection" commercials etc all over the networks... I don't get why they don't... Not enough money to the stations I guess...


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
nice vid, everyone should have to watch it.

women twice.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
ah shit, i play psp, read books, text message, talk on the phone, fuck with the radio, and ice grill everyone while driving, i have a perfect driving record.


TD Admin
I kept waiting for it to get funny.

^ what a failure ... lol :P


Good video ... hope it actually sticks in people's heads.


TD Admin
good find.

the beginning reminded me of tarantino's death proof. gruesome. and funny, cause according to the video they get whiplash about 27 times. IT JUST DOENS'T STOP!1111!!!!11!


TD Member
I laughed at the start, because I was expecting it to end right after the first crash and be like &quot:omg dont text" or whatever.

then my face turned to :|

and eventually it was like :/

and then :(

but then i drank my drink and was :)
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