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SSSSSSSSICK PSA! I wish North America had the balls and intelligence to post something like this. If you think about it, commercials (now/lately) run 3-5 minutes straight between programs anyways, might as well put something like this on. It can't be against the broadcasting law, judging by the South Park/Family Guy/Other shows that allow words like "ass", "penis", "Vaginal Cream/yeast infection" commercials etc all over the networks... I don't get why they don't... Not enough money to the stations I guess...
ah shit, i play psp, read books, text message, talk on the phone, fuck with the radio, and ice grill everyone while driving, i have a perfect driving record.
the beginning reminded me of tarantino's death proof. gruesome. and funny, cause according to the video they get whiplash about 27 times. IT JUST DOENS'T STOP!1111!!!!11!