Teksavvy Cable or DSL for the Best Routing to TD's Toronto CS:GO Server?


DARKLY Regular

Tonight's results for a TekSavvy's 35/3 via RCable. The speeds are not of concern but the latency and packet loss is too high. It's progressively getting worse each day and I don't think I will keep with them until their Nov 28th resolution date. There are numerous posts on DSL Reports and I've even contributed to some. They've given no indication what or where the problem is except for that very bold month+ resolution window. They're terrible and I'd advice anyone to take a second look because they avoid acceptance, responsibility, and shamefully disrespect the incumbent carriers when they're no better.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
You talkin cable or DSL?

Also, take note of this: teksavvy is a reseller, meaning they own fuck all. When a problem in a line happens, the company (either robbers, cogeco or hell) who owns the lines couldn't give less a fuck. Teksavvy - or any other reseller - cannot touch the lines. When a support ticket reaches the big three and they see that you're not their customer, they automatically drop your priority.

It's unfortunate, but at no fault to the reseller.


DARKLY Regular
It's cable and it's a broad problem affecting their entire cable network (Rogers, Cogeco, etc.). TekSavvy does own infrastructure too and just like any of the incumbents they need to hash out routing partnerships. The problem can lie anywhere in the grand scheme of things and it's their responsibility either way you look at it.


That's the cable resolution date, take a hard look at that date, because it's been set over a month ago. What really pisses me off is that not a single person from the company has taken up to writing a detailed explanation for it. We're in the dark and to me that doesn't jive well for a utility and technology company. I can fault them for that, because from my perspective it's up in the air where the problem lies, so I will blame who I am paying directly. They need to re-evaluate their PR stance and be more open like Netflix. In that, I mean, they need to speak technical and not be afraid, because not everything can be put into layman's terms.

Edit: the peak window is over (7pm-12am), below. The above post is during peak and what all TekSavvy cable customers have been experiencing for over a month and will need to patiently wait another 2 weeks to get fixed. Sorry if I didn't make the problem clearer, ie. they're throttling during peak hours.

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OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
That's news to me that teksavvy owns anything, but cable is a relatively cheap Infrastructure, so I guess they've branched out.

I hate cable for the pipe problems, so glad I'm on dsl.


TD Admin
It's cable and it's a broad problem affecting their entire cable network (Rogers, Cogeco, etc.). TekSavvy does own infrastructure too and just like any of the incumbents they need to hash out routing partnerships. The problem can lie anywhere in the grand scheme of things and it's their responsibility either way you look at it.


That's the cable resolution date, take a hard look at that date, because it's been set over a month ago. What really pisses me off is that not a single person from the company has taken up to writing a detailed explanation for it. We're in the dark and to me that doesn't jive well for a utility and technology company. I can fault them for that, because from my perspective it's up in the air where the problem lies, so I will blame who I am paying directly. They need to re-evaluate their PR stance and be more open like Netflix. In that, I mean, they need to speak technical and not be afraid, because not everything can be put into layman's terms.

Edit: the peak window is over (7pm-12am), below. The above post is during peak and what all TekSavvy cable customers have been experiencing for over a month and will need to patiently wait another 2 weeks to get fixed. Sorry if I didn't make the problem clearer, ie. they're throttling during peak hours.

AFAIK, internet is not classified as a utility and they clearly treat it as such.

To the ISP, Internet is a service and it can be measured, fiddled and throttled with. Sadly, that means we can be advertised 50/50, get 30/30 plus poor service and communication, and we won't be able to do much about it because they know we need Internet.


TD Member
AFAIK, internet is not classified as a utility and they clearly treat it as such.

To the ISP, Internet is a service and it can be measured, fiddled and throttled with. Sadly, that means we can be advertised 50/50, get 30/30 plus poor service and communication, and we won't be able to do much about it because they know we need Internet.

and if it were classified as a utility then we would lag years behind every other country in getting the infrastructure up to date because outdated legislation would limit the incentives for companies to compete on network improvements, and we would have to wait years for the people with fucking arts degrees to decide what our digital networks should be like. no thanks

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
and if it were classified as a utility then we would lag years behind every other country in getting the infrastructure up to date because outdated legislation would limit the incentives for companies to compete on network improvements, and we would have to wait years for the people with fucking arts degrees to decide what our digital networks should be like. no thanks
Our infrastructure IS pathetic, we're literally not even broadband yet.


TD Admin
and if it were classified as a utility then we would lag years behind every other country in getting the infrastructure up to date because outdated legislation would limit the incentives for companies to compete on network improvements, and we would have to wait years for the people with fucking arts degrees to decide what our digital networks should be like. no thanks
It's depressing how slow our politics are. I just read how Japan are testing new bullet trains that can go 500 kmh. Meanwhile, we are still throwing shit at each other about subways or LRT.

Pick your poison, I guess.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
It's cause there's no gay "well, my neighbour up the street is streaming and it's dinner time" bullshit. You get what you pay for in DSL, and I love that.


Staff member
It's cause there's no gay "well, my neighbour up the street is streaming and it's dinner time" bullshit. You get what you pay for in DSL, and I love that.

That shit is the gayest reason ever for going DSL. DSL is shit compared to cable today. Btw... cable and dsl are not dedicated connections.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
That shit is the gayest reason ever for going DSL. DSL is shit compared to cable today. Btw... cable and dsl are not dedicated connections.
Why is it the gayest reason?

Cable: slow, has bad times, shitty caps, more expensive.

DSL: always advertised speed no matter what time and number of people around on the service, much larger caps, free uploading (uploading doesn't count towards cap), a lot cheaper.

That's a pretty easy decision if you ask me...


TD Member
imho DSL is preferred for a residential connection when latency and stability are the most important but the latest DOCSIS standard has a speed potential that VDSL2 can't touch. I got to try one of Rogers' new MAN networks recently and it was capping out the fastest servers I could connect to with down speeds of 25MBps (<- megaBYTES not bits). It's nuckin futs!

so yeah the potential for cable internet is way better than the potential for DSL but it's just not being harnessed for residential users i guess


Staff member
It all depends on the ISP. Rogers is a faggot... and so is Bell... so I've heard. My Cable ISP offers 125Mbit with unlimited data transfer, for $75 a month. I'm on the 55Mbit a month package for $45 and it's always fast no matter what time I use it.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
It all depends on the ISP. Rogers is a faggot... and so is Bell... so I've heard. My Cable ISP offers 125Mbit with unlimited data transfer, for $75 a month. I'm on the 55Mbit a month package for $45 and it's always fast no matter what time I use it.
Ya bit you're in the boonies. No neighbours so it's fast and cheap. Here, where it's densely populated we get fucked because, like you've mentioned earlier, there is no competition so monopolies rule.