the russians didnt do well? I expect nothing but greatness from a russian hockey team. I guess the team isnt what it used to be 10-20 years ago.
20 years ago Russia was the Soviet Union, therefore when they put a team together, they had all the best players not only from russia, but from all the satellite nations too.
None the less, the team was good, they just didnt want it as badly as the Canadians did.
They endlessly missed key passes, made passes when they should have hogged and hogged when they should have passed
Canada always had an open man ready to shoot at the net, with the D huddled around the goalie.
and the rebounds, ohh god the rebounds... its like the Russians didnt want any of that, it seemed their gameplay was let the Canadians shoot, hope it doesnt go in, then power out of the zone towards the other net... except thats a horrible play :/
and that one goal where the Canadian guy came from behind the net with NO opposition, its like the Russians didndt even realize he was there, thats not a mistake you make at the Olympics.
Anyway, i guess i'm cheering for Canada by default now :)