Team Fortress 2 Administrator Application - DARKLY Chigaco Trade/Idle #4

Game Handle(s): James, Alexander, Siskowski
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51663648
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: None
Real First Name: James
Age: 14
Location: DARKLY Chigaco
Which DARKLY TF2 servers do you play on: DARKLY Chigaco/London/Toronto
Why do you want to be a DARKLY TF2 Admin: Well, I've been playing on DARKLY Trade Servers a lot in the past year. I enjoy playing on DARKLY Trade Servers because of the Map Layout and everyday, I have a new thing to sell. While I'm trading, playing or idling for a minute, I notice that many players on the server are breaking Server Rules. I can't ban or kick them because I don't have the right or permission to. Everyday I play on your servers and there are at least 5-10 people who aren't following rules, "trolling", scamming, putting up innapropiate sprays and negative use of the mic. I would love to become an Administrator of specifically DARKLY Chigaco Trade/Idle #4 because I am on this server everyday and also I don't like when immature "noobs" or "trollers" ruin the Servers' reputation. I would also like to become a member in your clan and make TF2 gameplay fun and suitable for all players. I thank you for your time and enjoy your TF2 Servers.

YES/NO Questions: None.

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 40 hours of play? Yes.
Do you have a working mic?Game Handle(s): Yes.


Found you. Search by Steam ID to find this guy.
This guy has well over 40 hours. 3 days O.O. Very nice.
Hold tight Siskowski101, the head admins will make you admin soon :P. They're just really busy.


TD Admin / Wanker
the head admins will make you admin soon :P
I wouldn't go making promises like that seeing as you yourself cannot uphold to them.
Not trying to be nasty here, all I mean is don't get the guys hopes up ;D

However, this does seem to be a pretty good application.
But, Your location isn't DARKLY Chicago, unless you live in the server box :wink: