Team Balancer & RTV

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Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Can we tweak the TB?

1)Remove the team preference
2)Make it that you cannot join the other team if it has more players? People stack and other players get swapped to the other team instead of them.
3) Team Scrambler doesnt work?

RTV: Can we bring the percentage down to maybe 50% or a little less. It's too high right now.


Professional Cocksucker
Many times when i put up a vote (for a scramble) and it passed, it didnt scramble on the spot nor did it scramble at the start of the next round.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
I fixed removed the team preference and made the immunity 10 mins for people who have just been switched. It was 5 mins before.
Scrambler, i don't know what the deal is, but apparently everytime ppl vote scramble or an admin forces a scramble, nothing happens. So the scrambler is the only issue if anything.


2012 Troll of the Year
good call cranking up immunity, I hate getting switched over and over and over again.

Its probably a bug with the mod, but we should probably leave scramble up to admin discretion, if one particular team is owning (5-0?) then the teams should be scrambled, because obviously the TB isn't quite working.. but yeah..

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
oh..delete my post..
Dumb bitch. I'm leaving it so everyone can see how dumb you are.
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