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Teach Trolollol Spaih Forums, Google, Internet...etc.


DARKLY Regular
I bet he's just trolling now - He has been told many times by many different people. Shouldn't we do something about it?


Drinking your tears
Let's turn this thread into a random conversation thread :)

I fluently speak,and write,in 3 languages.English,Gujarati,and Hindi.
કુંદો માં તમે વાહિયાત.
बेवकूफ सफेद लड़का.
मैं आपको धोखा देती इस्तेमाल किया शर्त.
Love your signature.



Drinking your tears

Because that's the best part of taunting people - them never knowing you taunted them.

Google translate works fine, I just ignored it.
But apparently he likes to fuck in the butt and horse semen. Since I'm not interested, he must be talking about his preferred activities.

Trolollol Spaih

DARKLY Regular
Google translate works fine, I just ignored it.
But apparently he likes to fuck in the butt and horse semen. Since I'm not interested, he must be talking about his preferred activities.
No you are supposed to drink a nice warm cup of it. I don't want to get any STDs from whorses (So punny) See what I did there?