secret santa eh, my inlaws have a pretty good game, where everyone draws a card, they use one suit for their numbers Ace - King, can just use paper crumpled up with numbers in a hat.
so #1 picks a present from pile opens it up and shows to everyone, #2 can pick a new present or "steal" from #1, if there is a steal, #1 can get a new present from the pile, then it is #3's turn. can steal from #1 or #2 or take from the pile of unopened presents, its not a bad game, and usually you get something you want. make it so everyone has to spend say $20 bucks, if the item you put in is $16, you can put in a $4 in lottery scratch and win ticket or something to big it up.
you can usually get some neat-o tools and shit from canadian tire for around $20 bucks this time of year