UNDER REVIEW TD Membership Applicaton : Darkmedic


A Little Darkly
Game Handle(s): Darkmedic
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11966297
Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: None
Real First Name: Rafael
Age: 29
Location: toronto
Favorite Games: CSS, 1.6, CS:G0, TF2, Mass Effect Series, Bioshock, Battlefield Series, Starcraft 2, uhhhh I dunno... I like a lot of games.
Interests: Working out, Gaming, Soccer, Technology, Astronomy,

Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly?

Well.... I've been playing on this server since I got CS:GO (launch). I stopped playing source for around a year and got back to CS when GO came out. Joined your pub server completely fresh and got my ass handed to me and to this day my KD ratio will never recover.. ha

Guys are a lot of fun. The regulars are a blast, I'm usually on everyday in the evening and have a good time. This is the only pub server I play on, if I get into TD or not... that won't change.

There's a really good group of ppl on here and that's not even accounting for the TD ppl. Haven't had any issues with any TD member, so far you are all great and bring the lulz on a nightly basis. I'm looking for a community to join and since you guys/gals are a lot of fun I figured I would App.
I think I would fit in great with the community and hopefully you guys think so too.

I don't have quite 200 hrs played. I checked on the server stats page and I'm 5 days and change, so like 127 hrs.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 6 months on the server with at least 200 hours of play?
127 hrs and change

Are you active on the forums?
yes and use shoutbox during work :)

Do you have a mic?
Yes, Also just got a new one as some ppl said my old one sounded like ass

Are you in good standing with the community?
Pretty sure, always have good laugh

Are you at least 18 years of age?

Anyways, hope to be a part of the TD



For your troubles


TD Admin
Nice application dude. And I was thinking that before I saw the big titties in a tight shirt :fap:
Dark is fun to play with and seems like he wants to be here for the long haul.
Don't worry, you'll have 200+ hours played by the time this gets sorted out.......:yaoming:

Hoping to see our precious 2 letters infront of your name in the near future +1


TD Admin
We need some more feedback here guys. I know its a slow process but it would be nice to see what you guys think.


TD Admin | Bacon
With so few TD members playing CS:GO these days it will be hard to get a lot of us to vouch for you.

Zombie Christ

I'm New Here
I am not a TD member (yet) but I would like to vouch for Darkmedic. I didn't know him before CS:Go but he is really fun to play with and I have no problems with him whatsoever. Always glad to see him on the server every evening and hope he continues to have a presence. :) :rockon:

All Hail Zombie Christ.


A Little Darkly
My drive died :( gotta reinstall tonight. Shitty thing is I forgot what my sensitivity settings for GO were. anyone know where those settings are stored? going to try to copy some files over depending how damaged my old drive is.




DARKLY Regular
My drive died :( gotta reinstall tonight. Shitty thing is I forgot what my sensitivity settings for GO were. anyone know where those settings are stored? going to try to copy some files over depending how damaged my old drive is.



right here, 99.9% sure. if you do open with Notepad, uncheck always open unless you want .cfg files to always be opened with notepad, hope this helps.
