UNDER REVIEW TD Membership Applicaton : Darkmedic


TD Admin
+ 2 Darkmedic I like your style. Fun to Play with and always have something to say to the conversation. P.S> Can you mail me the shirt in the PIC?


A Little Darkly
Darkmedic with his AUG and me with my SSG in the tower in Egon..
Good times.

Haha oh man..... Good times indeed!

+ 2 Darkmedic I like your style. Fun to Play with and always have something to say to the conversation. P.S> Can you mail me the shirt in the PIC?

Gottta keep it lulzy with tazes or random shit or it jus gets stale. I have more pics of her. Will post on this thread later


A Little Darkly
oh and no girl pic

here's something else



TD Admin
Hey guys, I rarely ask for a favor. I think Darkmedic will help the community in many many ways. I like to invite and hopefully you agree with me that Darkmedic will help the community. Please consider him as a candidate for TD tags I know you will not be regret your decision.


TD Admin

Darkmedic are you that 1 dude that had that issue with pimpin?
I think recently since i've played with you, you seem really chill and cool, and im actually surprised that your hours are that low. o.o
I remember you when csgo first came out and I raged a shit ton on you cause of all teh team attacking and sitting in spawn..but that could just be because of your break from cs. and I'm a try hard nerd.

so +1? since lately you seem like a solid dude.


A Little Darkly

Darkmedic are you that 1 dude that had that issue with pimpin?
I think recently since i've played with you, you seem really chill and cool, and im actually surprised that your hours are that low. o.o
I remember you when csgo first came out and I raged a shit ton on you cause of all teh team attacking and sitting in spawn..but that could just be because of your break from cs. and I'm a try hard nerd.

so +1? since lately you seem like a solid dude.


Yeah I had a thing with him a while back, I got no issues with him anymore. hes a good guy. Shit happens. w/e

I don't know if the hours got reset on the last stat reset or not but i was putting in a lot of hours before. TONS

After the stat change/reset I went on vacay for two weeks and came back. I been playing but not as much as I used to. I got some personal things going on right now. Can ask Delta about it, don't mind if he tells TD ppl since its the reason why I havn't been as active. He knows why.

Its just personal and don't want everyone to know who doesnt need to know. But I've been playing more lately and plan to keep playing more

Good times playing with you

I don't really know you very well and the guys who eatshitlive forums don't seem to know you much either. You seem like a good guy. keep it up for another 2 months and you have my vote.

The CSGO server regulars know me well and I get along great with everyone on there. I don't really play anything outside of SC2 and CS on here.
I've Seen you on there past two weeks. Good games so far. You will see more of me. Haven't been super active in the past month or so

PS - Biop........ "ez"


A Little Darkly
Bump and also question

so I just moved into my new pad in Toronto. Still getting settled but I dont have room for my computer desk. I'm currently running my computer on my TV. The issue is I'm sitting on the couch with a wireless kb/m. Anyone game from their couch? lol I know its a lulzy question but I'm having a hard time finding a solution.

Also why I've been inactive for past week and a half

Friend said try TV tray stand, I gotta try that this week.


Any protips? Awkward as hell playing with kb on lap and mouse on a tray


Bump and also question

so I just moved into my new pad in Toronto. Still getting settled but I dont have room for my computer desk. I'm currently running my computer on my TV. The issue is I'm sitting on the couch with a wireless kb/m. Anyone game from their couch? lol I know its a lulzy question but I'm having a hard time finding a solution.

Also why I've been inactive for past week and a half

Friend said try TV tray stand, I gotta try that this week.


Any protips? Awkward as hell playing with kb on lap and mouse on a tray

Get a coffee table.


DARKLY Regular
Hi, don't know if this will work but have you looked at laptop trays?
Might be wide enough for keyboard and mouse.
I found this one on kijiji [toronto]

btw: +1 for darkmedic application


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A Little Darkly
Yeah i got a set up now. works well actually. I appreciate the advice. my k/d is getting better now thank god lol. took a nose dive when i changed