Ron Swanson
TD Member
I quit life. Bye TD. Was nice knowing you all at a tongue to tongue levelI'll brb, going to hospital to get all tests done.
Swanson, that's just nasty.. no thx
I quit life. Bye TD. Was nice knowing you all at a tongue to tongue levelI'll brb, going to hospital to get all tests done.
Swanson, that's just nasty.. no thx
Hahaha yeeeessssss. All you faggits pretty much kissed meI think brains was dude #1...
HahahaBrains probably pick pocketed you...
This is awesome! I have the best eyes!
I am totally ok with the direction this thread has gone.
LOLOLOL that made me laugh so hard.None of the previous meets were as epic as this last one. If that TD meet was a pr0n plot, I'm pretty sure I could've pointed out a dozen occasions where an orgy broke out...and that's just between Swanson ad BJ....