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2012 Troll of the Year
so you can stagger home.

Dude, you're 17. I'm still not understanding. Why can't you just "come out". Don't you guys have busses? Shit, cab it, or get a ride.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
king city, so right beside oak ridges :P thats creepy xD
too bad i cant drive because i still cant get my G2 *thumbs up*

take the viva bus, its free!

Fork Included

TD Admin
i lived at bloomington and bathurst for like 5 years....

my two step brothers went to King High.. Jamie and Liam MmcCullagh, you might even know them O.o


TD Member
the last name rings a bell... theres a boy in my grade called Mitchell McCullagh

viva could work, but id still have to drag someone along with me xD

EDIT: and leroy, i wish it was that simple, but i have such strict parents... my life sucks :)


2012 Troll of the Year
haha, man, it was the same with my sister. I just kinda came and went whenever my little heart desired. Ahh the freedom. I still enjoy it.

Fork Included

TD Admin
the last name rings a bell... theres a boy in my grade called Mitchell McCullagh

viva could work, but id still have to drag someone along with me xD

EDIT: and leroy, i wish it was that simple, but i have such strict parents... my life sucks :)

do you know any of these little chumps..





TD Member
i know victor, not personally but i recognize him.. the other two not so much... slightly the 3rd photo but i dont know the name.

Fork Included

TD Admin
i know victor, not personally but i recognize him.. the other two not so much... slightly the 3rd photo but i dont know the name.

thats my step brother, his name is Liam and he went to King High before moving, he was in Drama class all through the years and was probably in every play your highschool ever put on, but hes also 2 years older than you so..

anyway the point i'm trying to make is that we're all connected here and your parents have nothing to worry about.


TD Member
holy fucking shit i do remember. THATS SO WEIRD! he was one of those student teachers when i started out in drama class. HOLY SHIT. wow... thats your step brother? :P

Fork Included

TD Admin
I dont know about student teacher.. he was a student there at the time, LOL, i think he just hung around the drama department all the time because none of the other subjects interested him.

Leroy your black ass is grass if you ever set foot in Toronto.


TD Member
hahahahahaha cool cool xD but yeah, that still doesnt solve my transportation and just plain getting there in general problem :P *sigh*


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Sorry mandy your penis has to be atleast 1 inch to be at a TD meet. and me and narf BARELY pass the bar....lucky us


TD Admin
haha, man, it was the same with my sister.

Wait -- you have a sister? And we're just learning of this now because...?

Sorry mandy your penis has to be atleast 1 inch to be at a TD meet. and me and narf BARELY pass the bar....lucky us

Wow. I can't believe you put my name into something like that.

And where's Shotgun_Jesus? I just realized I've yet to read "fag" or "ass full of gays" in this entire thread. :P
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