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TD Family Tree


TD Admin
quite funny... where did some of the new members go... ex. commander abdul? dont see him anymore
Remy sucks, Blacktigers rules!
What about Tarin, TD's first gay contributor?
Buttplug (Ladies size XL) is always one of my quiet favs.
Wasn't there a Mel Gibson guy at one point?
Also, wasn't there someone named Switchblade on all the time, or was that the Draino server I am thinking of?
There are so many more names than what is on Leroy's list. I am trying to brainstorm from the Draino & CampusCove (YorkU) servers. I found Draino & then later TD when I used to play @ CampusCove back in 2002-2003. Yikes!

Fork, did you have the remind the rest of us other than Omission & Death that we are getting old?


TD Member
+1 iCe, even i'm annoyed with Remy.

TD should go legit on this tree / Graveyard.
Be interesting to see how long some have been here.
I know DrUgZ has told me that he's been playing for 9 years.
I wasn't even gaming 9 years ago.
Some OG's.


TD Admin
Regular fags:
B3tt3rman, buckshot jr, Auron, Shotgun_Jesus, vinny paz, nightblade, 35mm, 47, iCe, Nid@l, cranswick, Hoob, .44, Cock of Fur, TurboTaco, town drunk, YoungT, Hinouchi, BIOP, Darksiege, r3volution, Pyro, skd_mrk, Rorshach, drek, Roach, .68cal, Turkish, Hawk-eye (who's now in Japan)
ass hole... lol <3

Cthulhu (my favorite zimbabwean)
and i always wondered where he was from..

.44 caliber

TD Admin
|NFLD| Cartographer
|NFLD| Czar Cazm
and myself at one point

used to include Cartographer who dissappear 1 year ago and Czar Casm who apparently stopped playing good games altogether but logs onto steam every so often.

|613|Uncle Phil RAGE at Jam was epic.

TASSADAR!!! Epic faggot. eventually banned for cheating.

before Scr@ngy went to WTF with Jeffy was he TD??

We used to have a white guy named Leroy but last I heard he dipped due to an identity crisis.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
TD ppl from when i started: AEQ, NATRLBRNKILR, DOMINATRIX, Drugz, ][ceman, Rapper, Kahuna aka faggot.

So Drugz is the only one who remains from our founding fathers.

back in those days, to become a member u needed 100% approval in a open to public thread. one -1 with an explanation and ur denied. and ppl QQ about 75%, lol.


TD Admin
[quote1291340548=.44 CALiBER]
|NFLD| Cartographer
|NFLD| Czar Cazm
and myself at one point

used to include Cartographer who dissappear 1 year ago and Czar Casm who apparently stopped playing good games altogether but logs onto steam every so often.

|613|Uncle Phil RAGE at Jam was epic.

TASSADAR!!! Epic faggot. eventually banned for cheating.

before Scr@ngy went to WTF with Jeffy was he TD??

We used to have a white guy named Leroy but last I heard he dipped due to an identity crisis.


Scr@ngy was cool until he stopped sucking my cock for jeffy ;&quot:(


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
no one likes him

You are as liked as Derek Jeter is outside of new york. <3

What about VCDH? was he TD? I remember we had 4 votes to decide what it ment...something about dwarf...


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
cant forget TD|He@dshot who changed his name to TD|Admin when he bought admin.


TD Admin
cant forget TD|He@dshot who changed his name to TD|Admin when he bought admin.
thats trouble jr/sr (kahuna's brother)


TD Admin
Wow this thread is bringing back some old memories. There are too many oldfags to count, but a few that come to mind...
RATM, Soul A$$a$$in PhoeniX, Gooch, ())_Crayola_))>, Sniffles, gusto5, Wesley Crusher, fuck, I'll have to get back to this list.
There are alot of people i remember but its hard to tell if they were in TD or if they bailed before it formed. I remember oldfags like Skullcrusher, Fabulous Disaster, MindWarp, Eyemaster Timberlay... damn i sat here for 10 mins thinking of old names.. maybe more will come after some sleep
Ask Pwnion, he's OG as fuck he might recall some more


TD Member
ones i didnt see in LIRoy's list.. (and i see some names who werent TD| tagged, just regulars so..)

taylor, haze, larry b, moo, 1ne man army, r3volution, ]zeus[, spitfire, ice (different then iCe), cerberus/., H.D.R.,

more to come