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Swine flu and you!

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vinny paz

TD Admin
They just confirmed the swine flu at the hospital I work at. Luckily for me my shift ended 30 minutes later. From now on I will wear a mask at all times.


TD Admin
Again, nothing to worry about atm in my opinion. Reason there is 'so much spreading' is because of travelling and tourism.

If they find that pigs are getting infected at a rapid rate, they will just cull them all n thats that.

More people will most likely die, but that is because they are unfortunate individuals who are not getting adequate health care, live in squalor, or have complications as a result of the flu itself.

If I start getting any symptoms, I'm not going to panic and call a mortuary to set up a coffin and resting place. I will do what many people already do when they catch the flu: Drink lots of clear fluids, get lots of rest, and use medication (antivirals/antibiotics [for bacterial infection]) only if needed.

People should be more worried about mutations in common bacteria found everywhere. Stupid doctors and people taking antibiotics when uneeded results in highly-resistant strains of bacteria which a majority of current antibiotics will not be effective against.

Our bodies can be pumped with vaccines/antiviral treatments because these treatments allow cells to become resistant to the mechanisms that certain virus' use to infect its host. It does not change or enhance the evolution or mutation of the virus itself. Many virus' mutate over time as they replicate in cell RNA. Not from exposure to medical treatments.

Bacteria + antibiotics are different: as bacteria is exposed to new antibiotics, majority of the bacteria is destroyed while a small percentage continue to thrive. This is essentially a new evolution of the same bacteria and means that the newly created antibiotic is useless against it.

More people should be worried about 'super-bugs' which essentially is the uber-resistant bacteria that cannot be treated by today's best antibiotics. Scientists can keeep creating more antibiotics, but it gets harder and harder for them to create effective ones. Nature will always have the upper hand.


TD Admin
The biggest concern, despite the fact this flu attacks 'healthy individuals', is preventing the spread to newborns, children, and seniors. Even though healthy people are at as much risk of getting the swine flu and becoming very ill, the highest risk individuals are still: babies, childrens, seniors + ppl with autoimmune disorders.

So long as hospitals check patients + people who come in/out, provide hand sanitizers + face masks, and keep wards clean and segregated from confirmed cases, the spread should be limited. Again, there are readily available treatments for pretty much all North Americans if they do contract the virus.

Media really blows all this shit outta proportion and so do politicians who wanna get re-voted.


Professional Cocksucker
After the Sars epidemic:

"The only way to avoid these things from happening again is reform by all levels of government, better airport measures, improved [not necessarily increased] hospital funding and more attention to the things that really matter to Canadians` health and wellbeing. "

- Story originally featured on Canadian Content on Monday April 7, 2003

But yet, the swine flu managed to find its way here .

Edit: Hopefully it wont be the same situation.


TD Admin
Why do you think I have been playing all these fps' for such a long time.. Preparation my friend.. The day has come and TD will need to pwn some real mawwwwfuckas now.

u would miss, no aimbot IRL gypsy !

well mexico is a shit hole so of course more people will die of it there because of the lack of medical attention and certain countries aren't letting there citizens go to mexico
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