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Surveillance Cameras

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TD Admin
I hate surveillance Cameras, but that’s my option.
Do you think that there should be more surveillance cameras in public places?
i'm indifferent on the subject, I don't have a problem with them but I don't see much of a need for them either.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
The quality of the cameras means fuck all, meaning if we converted to London-style, camera on every corner, or Alberta (those of you who live there can enlighten me, my friend works there, he told me about this) where you have cameras in trees giving you auto-tickets in the mail for speeding - is fucking nonsense. It's not going to prevent child-molesters, rape, child upductions, and any other worth-while (worth-while to STOP) crime.

The only shit that these "convenient" cameras will catch is us wives speeding to the supermarket, and people speeding on the way to work, late to work, etc etc... there's no serious crime they'll catch on that garbage.. $$$$ grab.


Staff member
It's only going to work if you have a camera on every corner in every ally. So it's POINTLESS imo


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
I personally have no problem with the "auto-speeding tickets". My buddy got a ticket in the mail for going 40 over on the highway, he bitched about how he didnt get caught so he did not deserve it. Ultimately he was breaking the law and was speeding. I feel these make the roads safer and do deter some people from speeding and causing deadly accidents (not all people).
i don't really care but it irks me to look up every-fucking-where and see a goddamn camera so now i thwart that shit wearing a baseball cap and hoodie

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
when i was a rent a cop at the mall we had fukin sweet survellience cameras, at least inside the mall, we could move with joystick and zoom in and shit, a screen shot of a criminal's face posted on the news from the cameras, they would be recognized easily. only downside was that we watched the screens in full motion but the backup was like 5 frames per second. still good enough though for still pictures to be put up on a bulliten board.

whats the adobe program that deals with pictures (not photoshop)? my dad was telling me how it has a tagging feature but does it automatically after it learns peoples faces.

if they could somehow link all these cameras up to the police station with some facial recognition software, use the cops mugshot database, or even a persons of interest database, the cops could get really get a tight grip on a good portion of the urban population.

malls, subways, intersections, public buildings, your being watched! 1984!!!
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