Suggestion - Frag Radio


Death by Darkly
I, like many others, like to listen to music while playing TF2 (generally only on trade servers, obviously). And I, also like many others, am too lazy to open a music program in the background. It's a hassle. I recently stumbled across a server with Frag Radio integrated into it, and I loved it. Essentially, you type in a command to turn on a 24/7 music radio with occasional gaming discussions, and with the same command you can also change it's volume and turn it off. The music only plays for you, of course. It's easy, it's efficient, and it's cool. And, it's wicked-easy to add to your server. Check it out when you have the time. Thanks!
I would support this but I'm unsure if that's the mod I found on a different trade server that my friend ventured on across the sea. A Radio would be nice, but at the same time you'd want something that won't cause lag for players.

I'd have to agree, trade servers with music would be pretty cool, it would help with the ones that bore very easily and turn to bashing the server and causing trouble by opening up their microphone and scream with such high deciles that I swear I think I feel blood seeping through the side of my headphone. That's something I would avoid having to hear.


Death by Darkly
Thanks you for your welcome, O' Jesus (BTW, it's "Shotfun", not "Shotgun") and jakksilves. Yeah, the latency issue is a good one. It's be cool if the media was streamed directly to the server through a plugin, and then the server could distribute the music to players - not sure if I'm explaining this with any sanity, but it would decrease lag. But, since it's incredibly easy to install/uninstall/configure, I figure you might as well give it a try.

You're right, the ones who snap can get a annoying - I don't mind much, but sometimes they can be too loud (or just plain annoying), and I don't like muting people, because if I do I can't respond to their insults they yell at me through the microphone.

Hi Guys,

I'd like to introduce myself as managing directory of FragRadio Limited. The UK's Premier eSports gaming radio station. Regarding the plugin, it doesn't cause any lag to any players, we insure this as we only stream at 128 Bitrate. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me on my person email address - Have a great day.