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Studying for Finance Exam

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
Yea Im taking some bullshit corporate finance exam this week, will probably get a 60, everything will be cool, anyways I am studying by watching youtube videos. It's painful to know I am paying big bucks when this shit is all on youtube, anyways, I like the efficient market hypothesis, corrupt as fuck.


dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
basically you turn the other way take the paycheque and power and dont ask questions

i wil be in thomas tronics boots next semester :p feelsmehman


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Fail glocky, CFA if you are good you can make boatloads more money than a CA. Yes boatload is an official denomination of money.


Drinking your tears
Aye, CFA = $ on commissions/sales, CA = knowledge and partnerships which could mean money. CGA = crackerbox


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Basically CGA and CMA is not the same level as CA or CFA.

Also CFA isnt just Commission and sales. its more work for myself. Fuck having a boss


TD Member
Branch manager eh! Good Luck on that!

I just completed my 90 day supervision for new representatives with Dundee.
Writing my LLQP in Jan 13.
Post Jan 13 = $$$$$$

And yes finance 2 sucks but i'm doing all my certifications so when I graduate in May I don't have to worry about these certifications.

Read an article that the youngest CFP registered in Canada was 25. I'm going to try and take that title at 24.

SJ and Remy sexual offspring > Accounting

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
20% hyper inflation is just around the corner you guys are gonna make enough money


TD Member
i remember literally half my graduating class in high-school and half the class that graduated the year before us went on to study economics and there's been a steady boom continuing for at least the past decade now. this field should have reached oversaturation long ago, are economics graduates still finding work right out of school or is it getting tougher yet to find placement?