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Students of TD!!

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TD Admin
Finishing up year 2 of radio broadcasting at Algonquin College. Now I start looking for a REAL on air job. or a production gig...who knows?
Graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Economics from Trent U. in '08... Completing the CFP courses @ Seneca until August.. Then comes dA big ca$h! :P I hope....

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
The movies are not far fetched guys. One day there will be AI that will be able to learn on its own and "grow" or get smarter. That's why we shouldn't put "serious" tasks in the control of machines. You see more and more the military builds machines that will one day replace humans on the battlefield. If you watch discovery you know what im talking about. So what if one day those machines are smart enough to learn and become smarter. It might be like terminator, human vs machines lol.

Fork Included

TD Admin
if one day there will be a thinking process that can rival that of a human, then by all purposes that is akin to evolution

flesh will be replaced by metal

humans will become obsolete

however, the human "though process" will live on

so really its not that bad, so long as it happens outside of my lifetime, i dont feel like fighting robots.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Economics from Trent U. in '08... Completing the CFP courses @ Seneca until August.. Then comes dA big ca$h! :P I hope....

CFP with Sue Rochester??
Sue Rochester sounds like such a female porn persona.

"Sue Rochester: The glory hole in Wall St."
"Sue Rochester: Trading st-cocks"
"Sue Rochester: Backdoor Millionaire"

"First Name + Place you Grew Up: Bad Pun Vol. 28"

You see, it all fits.. :)


TD Admin | Bacon
[quote1234213688=Fork Included]

so really its not that bad, so long as it happens outside of my lifetime, i dont feel like fighting robots.

shit man, me either. Better robots then flesh eating aliens though AMIRITE?

Fork Included

TD Admin
[quote1234213688=Fork Included]

so really its not that bad, so long as it happens outside of my lifetime, i dont feel like fighting robots.

shit man, me either. Better robots then flesh eating aliens though AMIRITE?

thats a question of armament

i mean, id rather not fight anyone, but sit on the beach, but if i had to choose...

if all we have is propulsion shit, id take the aliens, bullets wont take the robots

now, if we get some laser guns or pulse rifles (a-la fallout), then id give the robots a good fight.


TD Admin
Finished my post secondary career with electronics Engineering. no jobs in that field exist so I am now an Electrician in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers L.U. 773 in Windsor. School proved useless for me except that most of the theory for electronics and electricity are somewhat the same. so it made my aprenticeship easier but i still had to go back to school.

basically got into the electrical trade because I dont see us not using electricity. ever. so im sure the demand will be there.


TD Admin | Bacon
[quote1234234126=Fork Included]
[quote1234213688=Fork Included]

so really its not that bad, so long as it happens outside of my lifetime, i dont feel like fighting robots.

shit man, me either. Better robots then flesh eating aliens though AMIRITE?

thats a question of armament

i mean, id rather not fight anyone, but sit on the beach, but if i had to choose...

if all we have is propulsion shit, id take the aliens, bullets wont take the robots

now, if we get some laser guns or pulse rifles (a-la fallout), then id give the robots a good fight.


dude its not about what we have, its about what they would do!!

robots, kill us in the quickest most efficant manner.
Aliens, fucking rip off our limbs and eat us alive.

Fork Included

TD Admin
on a completly non gore or homosexual tangent,

i suggest everyone read the ORIGINAL 'I,Robot' by isacc asimov, thats some hardcore robot literature.

but yeah, i wouldnt want to fuck around with aliens, or even bug shit, like starship troopers, fuck id probably shit my pants.
Dawg you there? Ok here's my ideas about making AI self-aware:

1. Feedback, the algorithm needs to be able to write it's own code when the moment arises. This is how human brains work. We make new memories, we write "code" like: hand in fire hurts therefore no put hand in fire.

2. Memory space for above rule 1 and LOTS of it, Terabytes and more. A goldfish has a memory of a few seconds, so every time it swims around the bowl it's a whole new world to it. Or take a fly, "bonk" off the window, ouch don't do that. Sits for a few seconds..."bonk" off the window again. Repeat until dead. No memory, how can it be self-aware with so little memory...it can't.

But as the brain becomes larger in the animal kingdom, so does the memory capacity and so does the "self-awareness" increase. Apes, gorillas, elephants etc have all been shown by scientist to be self-aware to some degree or another.

If you create the 2 conditions above with a good algorithm and a super computer will it eventually become self-aware? Who knows, but it's a good start for sure though.


Aye i reckon thats a solid idea. Memory would be a big issue indeed. Since we as humans, process and discard so much shit every day. There would need to be an algorithm of some sort to figure out whats useful and whats not, and then what is exactly useful? Fucked up shit.
Well I know they are working on holographic memory cells. Supposedly a sugar cube size of crystal could store the entire contents of the U.S. Library of Congress (the world's biggest library).

Even with the technology part solved, the real trick is to write the AI program kernal so it has some purpose..maybe to learn..but learn what? What would be the best starting point so that the program would evolve into something self-aware?

The only thing i can think of, that's similar to how life works is food and attention. So you program the kernal algorithm to behave like a new born baby and with the ability to write it's own code as it learns things like; ecessive "beeping" get's it food. (food being a full charged battery or something) Of course the program kernal involves the logic that a full battery is a "good" thing and a depleted battery is a "bad" thing etc.
A lot of work no doubt, but so is any PhD dissertation.


TD Admin / Rocker of City-Hair
Currently in 4th year mechanical engineering at the university of western ontario.


Hacking Faggot
Going to be attending Humber College this September for a 3 year Television Production and Broadcasting / 1 year post-production course :)


TD Admin
Sue Rochester sounds like such a female porn persona.

"Sue Rochester: The glory hole in Wall St."
"Sue Rochester: Trading st-cocks"
"Sue Rochester: Backdoor Millionaire"

"First Name + Place you Grew Up: Bad Pun Vol. 28"

You see, it all fits.. :)

So like..."Johnny Alberta"? LAFF @ Leroy!


TD Admin
Have 1 year of York ( Glendon Campus ) ..figured it was taking me no where ..went into work place. Worked in photographic business for 5 years then hired into Kodak. Was there 25 years... sales / marketing ... product manager .. traveled North America extensively and Europe for a short stint for Kodak. Packaged off 3 years ago .. now what do I want to be when I grow up?????
If anyone ever has questions about photography .. feel free to ask?
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