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Students of TD!!

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TD Admin | Bacon
So i know there is a lot of us who are currently going to college, but for what?! and for everyone else, "What do you do, and why do you do it!"

Myself; Currently I am finishing the last semester of my AS degree in computer networking and telecommunication. Next fall I begin to offically work on my BAS in Information Technology infrastructure (ITI). I hope to be finished with my Bachelor Degree by 2011.

I also am currently studying for my Comptia Sec+ degree and plan to also get the net+ and linux+ comptia certificates by the end of the year.

Fork Included

TD Admin
I graduated from York University in 2006 with a Bachelors in Business Administration, along with a Certificate in Human Resoruce Management, i was 1 semester away from getting an "add-on" honours in Finance and Investing but i just left school cuz i realized i didnt like what iw as studying

its been 2 full school years since then and i'm still fucking around, i decided to go back to York for either Journalism or Photography,.... or Photojournalism, but first they have to accept me, so we'll see.

my goal right now is to travel the world, take pictures, and write about stuff


Former TD Member
Currently I have my Manufacturing Engineering Technician diploma.

Working on my Engineering Technologists degree currently. Should be done in about 6 months.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Working on a 3 year Business admin Financial Plannign Diploma at GAY seneca College.

No idea why the hell im doing it but it was better then working at a lumber mill for 13$ an hour.
Ol' Kerpees comin' at cha!

I am currently studying Electrical Engineering and I am in my 3rd year (transitioned).
I have earned hold both an Audio Engineering Tech. Diploma and Electrical Eng. Tech Diploma.
I have worked in television broadcasting (production engineering) and music recording/production, both in Scarborough.

(and one failed attempt right out of high school @ Ryerson)

It's pretty sickening to look at it... over 6 years of schooling.. plus a year and a half of intern work and about one year "pursuing my musical ambitions". There is also the possibility of me going for my masters in Elec. after I am done here. Why? because apparently I enjoy pissing away my youth! Woo Quarter century and nothing to show for it!


TD Member
Business diploma. Computer diploma. Several different certificates offered by work.
4 months away from manager in TD Bank branch. Always been a firm believer of 50% who u know, 30% how u tAlk/hold yourself, and 20% education.


TD Admin
i did a year at the u of manitoba, and a year of schooling in sweden, and then a year off trying to feel out what i wanted to do with my life.
now i'm in my first year going for a bachelorette nursing degree. and i love it. i find i need a hands on job and one that helps people. and eventually travel alot and see the world.
hence i'm jealous of your current situation fork.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
dropped out of MacMaster Electrical Eng
dropped out of Humber college Electronic Eng (fun course, shoda stayed)

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
In my second year @ UofT Mississauga for Molecular Genetics and Mircobiology, a 4-year undergrad program aimed at getting into med school. oh ya, I'm broke as fuck all the time too :)


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Bachelor of Commerece majoring in Management Economics in Industry and Finance from the University of Guelph...

working at BMO data centre in Markham helping them until the end of June with a migration project they are working on... hopefully after I'll be able to find a job more related to my education within BMO.............. OR if bucky gets on as manager he can hook me up! :D:D:D:D


2012 Troll of the Year
I work at walmart.

I kid I kid, I have a BSc Major Comp SCi.. don't worry kids, there IS a light at the end of the tunnell.. its so worth it...
went to u of montreal (polytechnique) in comp/networking engineering, took me 5 years (took me a a year extra.. tought times..), finisehd in 04. got a few cisco certifs too.
now working and typing this msg at bell in montreal, making datacenters.

in my case, school only teached me how find the info (google). but companies like seing the diploma on the resume.. but after a time work exp comes 1st.


TD Admin
Grade 12.
Three diploma's in marriage counseling.
Five diploma's in child care.
32 years of EXXON faggotry.
Six figure salary with stock options.
Good luck kids!!!


TD Admin
3rd year BA student. studying ancient history with a minor in english. why? who knows.


2012 Troll of the Year
32 years of EXXON faggotry.
Six figure salary with stock options.

Oil is trading at ~$41.00/barrel these days, which for some people is doom and gloom, however these jobs were spec'd to profit at around ~$17.00/barrel, which leads me to my first question

Spare change?


2012 Troll of the Year
Need a DBA? *grin*


Shit, you're in innifail.. I've spent a lot of time out there, at the DZ... nice little town actually. Apparently a meth/cocaine "creation factory" (or whatever you would call it) hotbed...


TD Admin
B.Eng in Electrical Engineering from Ryerson ('04)
Started on a B.Sc in Computer Science at U of T
Worked 1 year for Environment Canada as a linux admin
Worked 2 years for CGI as an analyst (this was in PEI)
Back in Toronto now working for Starz Animation as linux admin while finishing up my B.Sc part-time that I started on line #2 and also taking Japanese language courses at Seneca on weekends for fun
In about 2 years, I will have finished my B.Sc and will most-likely move on to something else as I don't believe in staying still at one company as it will eventually get to a point where you can't learn anything from them anymore and tasks just become a routine...

EDIT: I also hold a plethora of CompTIA, ITIL, and LPI certs -- planning to get more as I like putting up pieces of paper with my name on it on my walls and stuff -_-


2012 Troll of the Year
Strong work Narf, but just as a headsup, I've been turned away from my dream job because of too many jumps :(

(I was a DBA for 3 years for a steel company in BC, took a couple contracts on, now I work for blue cross)

so there is something to be said for gaining as much experience from one company, however, certain companies, for certain positions (such as an admin) view you as a investment, and don't want to put the time, money and effort just to have you leave.

I applied for a job at Forzani (parent to sport mart/chek etc) and it paid $160k/yr, had a personal trainer on site, box at the flames, free hoodies (I loves my hoodies) etc etc
and I met, got along great, interviews.. but buddy said although I had a healthy resume, the position was key, and they needed someone who they felt wouldn't ditch out. They offered me a contract of 6/mo, but I turned it down, because I'm only interested in fulltime these days. Which is good, because that was 6mo ago, and our economy has changed...

FUCK. It was also for a senior DBA position, and I actually told him, that I didn't feel that I was a senior DBA yet, and he appreciated the honesty, and said it didn't matter.

So, long story short, there is something to be said about putting in your time. I'm not going to leave bluecross until I'm OCP (half way there) and have a good couple years under my belt.
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