When I was at Mohawk College taking 3 yr program in Electronic Engineering Technology, in 3 rd yr we were learning the NTSC TV system (this is the whole 480 lines per frame, the signal levels, the colour levels etc etc.) Anywho, as part of a lab project we went down to the TV studios in the F wing (Mohawk has TV and Production course like Humber too) and we had to make a mini-production with a certain amount of video editing, frame fades, etc. etc. It was a lot of fun.
Not sure if anyone remembers Norm Marshall Channel 11 (Hamilton) News anchor, but he was the course teacher (TV and Production) and we met him and he showed us around the studio etc.
Good mems. Sounds like a good choice Hoob, good luck.
Not sure if anyone remembers Norm Marshall Channel 11 (Hamilton) News anchor, but he was the course teacher (TV and Production) and we met him and he showed us around the studio etc.
Good mems. Sounds like a good choice Hoob, good luck.