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Students of TD!!

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When I was at Mohawk College taking 3 yr program in Electronic Engineering Technology, in 3 rd yr we were learning the NTSC TV system (this is the whole 480 lines per frame, the signal levels, the colour levels etc etc.) Anywho, as part of a lab project we went down to the TV studios in the F wing (Mohawk has TV and Production course like Humber too) and we had to make a mini-production with a certain amount of video editing, frame fades, etc. etc. It was a lot of fun.

Not sure if anyone remembers Norm Marshall Channel 11 (Hamilton) News anchor, but he was the course teacher (TV and Production) and we met him and he showed us around the studio etc.

Good mems. Sounds like a good choice Hoob, good luck.
Did a First year at Memorial University of Newfoundland, I was 17 when i started and had no idea what i wanted to do with my life lol, realized i wasn't mature enough yet and decided to work for a bit I worked at west 49 for a while (i had been working there throughout high school) and then eventually landed a job selling computers at Future Shop. I've been working there for about a year and a half now. Finally saved up money for a new car, should be picking it up in april (it's an 09 Subaru Wrx :D) and am now wondering once again...what do i want to do with my life? lol Cheers!


TD Admin
I think that the education level in this community crazy. I personally said that University was not my thing and started a construction company. BTW, SOOOO happy I did not notice anyone with a useless BA while working at Mac's


I'm New Here
Went to Humber for 2 years, dropped it. working fulltime now in Telecommunications...not bad work for the pay and im 19 thinkin about going to University to become a teacher.


TD Admin
cuz its my money and i need it NOW!!!

going to St Clair (in windsor) for Advertising, then when i finish that ill go for another course in Web design. hope thats a good combo to find work
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