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Students of TD!!

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TD Admin
Thanks for the tip Leroy.

Right now I really enjoy my workplace as it's a very chill environment. I will see what happens in a few years -- see if I'll get promoted to senior status, because if not, I'll probably move on to another company who will take me on as a senior *nix admin =]

.44 caliber

TD Admin
I Enjoy handling wood...... :)
On my first of 2 years at Algonquin college in Perth for a Heritage Carpentry and Millwork diploma. Hope to land a job... anywhere (possibly out west) doing Timber Frame construction or home renovation. Basically where ever the work is so that I can put in my hours and become a journeyman carpenter. Me and a buddy have a idea to get in the business of installing custom bars. It seems to be a big hit with people wanting a nice place to drink in their own homes.
Same boat as Glock, real life expierence with marriage & kid, now i'd love to go back & time and get some real education like you young basterds but that aien't gonna happen so I live the best I can with what I have ;).

Currently 10+ years running online business
Who knows what's next :).


TD Admin
3rd year of my computer science major at the university of akron, 2nd year working as a developer for a small medical billing company... Not making enough money but it's low stress and I get to make my hours.


2012 Troll of the Year
I love TD :) (no homo)

(..well maybe a little bit)

I'm not sure how to say this, but I believe you were born for TD.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
Most of us all have degress yet we are immature gay bastards on these forums LOL


Former TD Member
For the most part people adapt to their surroundings.

However, I agree, most of us are pretty immature.

Fork Included

TD Admin
Most of us all have degress yet we are immature gay bastards on these forums LOL

we are also gamers

vinny paz

TD Admin
Graduated from Seneca in 2007, I studied Digital Media Arts which was a huge fucking waste of time.

I'm now trying to get in school to become an orthopedic technologist.
Got a BSc in Artificial intelligence from University of Aberdeen in the UK in 2008. Was fuckin nails...
Moved to canada (ottawa) two months ago in the hopes of getting some form of employment here, since the UK economy is fecked right now.
Supposed to have had interviews in toronto and montreal, but im still waiting on them. How bloody long does it take to compile a fucking test!!!
So I sit on my fat arse and play CS with you lot.
Us lot is the right lot, guvna! Who else would accompany you on this bukkake soaked journey of polygons and vertices. Srsly tho, AI? That is fuckin' sweet... I may pester you in the future, if you haven't been scared away by Shotgun's dirty advances
Dawg, what is the fundamental principle of a true AI? I mean in the sense of making an AI self-aware. I have some ideas, just wondering what a degree AI thinks would work.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
2 bad i go to rye high for business, im surrounded by idiots there.
Dawg you there? Ok here's my ideas about making AI self-aware:

1. Feedback, the algorithm needs to be able to write it's own code when the moment arises. This is how human brains work. We make new memories, we write "code" like: hand in fire hurts therefore no put hand in fire.

2. Memory space for above rule 1 and LOTS of it, Terabytes and more. A goldfish has a memory of a few seconds, so every time it swims around the bowl it's a whole new world to it. Or take a fly, "bonk" off the window, ouch don't do that. Sits for a few seconds..."bonk" off the window again. Repeat until dead. No memory, how can it be self-aware with so little memory...it can't.

But as the brain becomes larger in the animal kingdom, so does the memory capacity and so does the "self-awareness" increase. Apes, gorillas, elephants etc have all been shown by scientist to be self-aware to some degree or another.

If you create the 2 conditions above with a good algorithm and a super computer will it eventually become self-aware? Who knows, but it's a good start for sure though.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Incredibly interesting topic, and Kirock you seem to have the basis layed out pretty well, I think. AI is ultimately complex, as it becomes more and more real. I would imagine that as the AI grows (in a mental sort of 'awareness' capacity you speak of) that list grows, possibly even exponentially.
"Supposed to have had interviews in toronto and montreal, but im still waiting on them. How bloody long does it take to compile a fucking test!!"

You had a better chance of finding a job in the more western parts of Canada, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver etc....
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