you notice how lopsided the teams are 647rfd? Now if you were on the losing team with those scores... :P
olst shush....
Should have evened the teams instead of score whoring you nub.Hey I haven't played cs: s in forever but the other night I just felt the urge to play some cs source so I did. I enjoyed it, I didn't realize I was not in a pub cause I saw awpers and I couldn't bet then I realized it was not the pub
anyways yeah, I had a good time and look forward to randomly playing css on your guys servers in the future!
It was increased during our CS:GO beta key giveaway.Is it just me or was the stock server 24 players not too long ago? Showing up as 32 under the browser. =[
-imo there should be no team attack attack damage or a kill penalty(freeze bomb, slay, ect...) except for a warn and maybe a votekick. the slap is really annoying and is for 32 player pubs if that
the team attack/kill add ons take away from the seriousness and is redundant on this type of server
i don't believe that is on the stock server, only the pubSorry i wasn't clear, I didn't mean turn off friendly fire I'm talking about the server add-on that slaps you for -10 dmg when you hit your teammate