Steam @ Work

I'm on a Bell DSL Business connection, anything that uses anything else other than strictly http will not connect trough the network. I'm not sure how to set a redirect for steam trough port 80, anyone have any ideas ?


Staff member
would need to know more about how the system has been setup, Bell DSL business doesn't block ports the whole idea of that service is to allow companies to run servers that need all ports open, unlike their home service where they block some ports.

most likely It's something in the office (or router) that's blocking it, could be a proxy system in which case your fucked,

try using see if that gets around it.
Burn the building down.

Best plan so far ...

Alternatively, I'm going to bring my laptop to work tomorrow and plug into the modem and see whats what. I set up the print servers and router hubs at the place, the only thing I've not touched is the modem in the managers office. Time to do a little snooping around.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
steam @ work = win
bell internets = fail


Staff member
router hubs

not only is this an oxymoron, if your company is still using hubs you have bigger issues at hand.

Canada's internet = fail
