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stealing a hackers PC

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King

thief did not make any attempt to reformat computer before using it lol.
HAHAHAHA at the guy in the audience who says "i saw that guy earlier!" LOL gonna watch the rest later must be crunk for this


TD Admin
[quote1293292543=TD|night blade]
Thief was an idiot, he was owned by some nice detective work, wouldn't call that hacking, just common sense. Nice catch regardless.

Defon is a an annual Hackers convention, the story itself is a bonus. Either way I wouldn't want this nerd on my network ^_^

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Nid@l's double post of this vid reminded me to comment - amazing video, fuckin hilarious lol

I read some of the comments on the video (youtube's comments) and a lot of people defended the guy who "stole" the comp. I would almost assume that he's not the theif himself, rather the end user of that whole transaction. Either way, jokes!


TD Admin
yeah i noticed all that jazz too,
but possession is 9/10ths of the law.
Having a computer that still has an admin password on it is undoubtedly stolen. He has the stolen computer in his possession, so hes the one that gets arrested.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
True, I don't disagree with that at all. I was just sayin I understand where those people who defend the guy geting so exposed are coming from... either way, fuck 'em, i'd murder some fag who had my shit :) lol