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[quote1293292543=TD|night blade]
Thief was an idiot, he was owned by some nice detective work, wouldn't call that hacking, just common sense. Nice catch regardless.
Defon is a an annual Hackers convention, the story itself is a bonus. Either way I wouldn't want this nerd on my network ^_^
Nid@l's double post of this vid reminded me to comment - amazing video, fuckin hilarious lol
I read some of the comments on the video (youtube's comments) and a lot of people defended the guy who "stole" the comp. I would almost assume that he's not the theif himself, rather the end user of that whole transaction. Either way, jokes!
yeah i noticed all that jazz too,
but possession is 9/10ths of the law.
Having a computer that still has an admin password on it is undoubtedly stolen. He has the stolen computer in his possession, so hes the one that gets arrested.
True, I don't disagree with that at all. I was just sayin I understand where those people who defend the guy geting so exposed are coming from... either way, fuck 'em, i'd murder some fag who had my shit :) lol