Stats Reset?

Did the stats recently reset again?

Why are we reseting every 1-2 months thusfar? Kinda gay... Actually IT IS GAY!
F U COMMIE! Go join Jack Layton's seperatist coalition that will save Canada from the mythical evils that are ailing it!

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
ya Doolox I've been reading about that... I'm actually, for the first time living in Canada, scared about this whole "revolution" thing man...

A coaltion government will hold for a couple months @ best until one party leader gets pissed.. Too many talking heads and egos to stroke to keep it together..

Worst case scenario, coalition is allowed to take over. They last 2 months tops. Government at that point dissolves and an election is called.... Conservatives take a majority thanks to the asinine actions of the left wing and seperatist parties that alienated their loyal constituents!
My point! Never fear! Logical will eventually interfere! BOOYAH! It's not like we are in Russia or something like that.. GEEZ!

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
My point! Never fear! Logical will eventually interfere! BOOYAH! It's not like we are in Russia or something like that.. GEEZ!
eh fuck, you never know... if the coalition succeeds - those French seperatist bastards can really fuck shit up, we all know they hate us soo much...thats whats really scaring me.

we have english/french on every fucing thing in this country - then in quebec there's NO ENGLISH... fuckin bullshit. They will impose some seeeeeerious bullshit - but then again, they won't get the federal votes