Star Citizen MMO Space Sim

Smurf Eater

Donator Supreme! Technically according to that, we are in the Alpha now. Hangar Module, Dogfighting Module without a persistent universe, Social/Planetside Module (sounds worthless), FPS Module for boarding ships, Singleplayer Alpha, then Official Release at the end of 2014. So each module looks like it comes out every couple of months or so. All the extra perks might have just delayed the release by a few months or so.


DARKLY Regular
So how do the modules work? Can you run them independently and get a feel for that aspect of the game?

I was really disappointed that TOR didn't include a space aspect like Galaxies did. If they did, I'd probably be chaunked out on that shit 12 hours a day. if Star Citizen is the next best thing, then I'm down to give it a whirl.

Smurf Eater

Donator Supreme!
Right now as the modules come out they're going to work individually from what I can tell, or get added on one by one. They are allowing competitive play in not too long but not in an open universe.


DARKLY Regular
Cool enough. Let me know when it is playable. I'll give it a whirl. Sounds like it is definitely worth trying.

Smurf Eater

Donator Supreme!
Holy crap, they just hit $33 Million. I wonder what the hell is hyping this game so much. They have so many videos coming out daily and news announcements I really just stopped paying attention lol. Literally a minimal of $1 million a day for the past week up to almost $3 million in one day.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
I wonder what the hell is hyping this game so much. .


Smurf Eater

Donator Supreme!
Hey, hey, hey, no one is buying into this game just because of little ol' me. I'll go check something out for myself via word of mouth, but I really just bought what I did to possibly sell it to others, I really didn't think much of this at first, but now. I mean the hangar module to look at your ships is freakin impressive. If the gameplay looks that good. We'll just have to see.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
This game is starting to look like ponzi scheme: give more money, the game will be more awesome! but then again, i havent really looked into it and jsut basing my opinion on the things that i have read here and there. I do find it bothersome that the money factor seems to be the emphasis.

Smurf Eater

Donator Supreme!
Well the dogfighting module should be out in December, so about 30 days we'll see a start of where they're currently at. The alpha isn't due until summer, the beta about a year from now, and the full release early 2015.