Spreadsheet Plugin


Staff member
Plugin is installed in all Trade servers. type !spreadsheet to view tf2 item pricing.

Thanks for the plugin :D


DARKLY Regular
People don't seem to like this source too much, even though it's very user-friendly and more compact than the one everyone's used to utilizing.


Is there a way to make a plugin that takes people to this place as an addition? *Like !price* Some of the users are not quite liking the system.


I don't think we can force it to pull up that source due to Valve's lack of Java and flash limitations in the GUI and MOTD panels. (I have tried it. Game crashes, no matter how I tried to open it, not a Runtime error). If you find a better source, post it here and I'll try to make it work.
I don't think we can force it to pull up that source due to Valve's lack of Java and flash limitations in the GUI and MOTD panels. (I have tried it. Game crashes, no matter how I tried to open it, not a Runtime error). If you find a better source, post it here and I'll try to make it work.

That's fine, I'm only asking because I've seen the RAWR Community use this exact plugin *Code might be different...* and it brings up the blog-sheet as whole. I don't mind this version as it has no advertisements, but a lot of the users seem to hate it. o_O


DARKLY Regular
It may just be my client. Should I try forcing it to pull up the actual spreadsheet and you guys tell me how it goes?
It just gave me so many errors just pulling it up correctly it was insane. But it might work for you guys. Who knows.
That's fine, I'm only asking because I've seen the RAWR Community use this exact plugin *Code might be different...* and it brings up the blog-sheet as whole. I don't mind this version as it has no advertisements, but a lot of the users seem to hate it. o_O

hello darkly gaming! i'm the developer behind pricelist-ecto.dotcloud.com . to be honest, i developed this scraper for my own personal use so i'm extremely pleased to see others using this (armed with this knowledge i intend to become quicker to act when i notice things getting wonky)

if there are reasons why users seem to loathe the site please let me know what i can do to make it more palatable. realize though, that i don't fancy myself a designer ergo, the very minimal outlay of the page.

when i created this website i never imagined it would be used in game so i am very open to any and all feedback any of you may have.
i appreciate it!


TD Admin / Wanker
if there are reasons why users seem to loathe the site please let me know what i can do to make it more palatable.

i am very open to any and all feedback any of you may have.
i appreciate it!
Well first off some of the prices are wrong.
According to tf2spreadsheet.blogspot.co.uk anyway.
The prices I know of are Earbuds and Bills hats. But there may be others.

Have you considered some kind of real time update so that your fields take the values exactly from tf2spreadsheet as they get updated.
Or maybe add in a button you yourself can press to synch together your fields with the values on their website?

I'm not a developer either, I'm just spit balling here.
Maybe someone with experience in coding can help some more.

Other than that, I can only think of manually checking the blogspot sheet, and updating your values accordingly.


Well first off some of the prices are wrong.
According to tf2spreadsheet.blogspot.co.uk anyway.
The prices I know of are Earbuds and Bills hats. But there may be others.

Have you considered some kind of real time update so that your fields take the values exactly from tf2spreadsheet as they get updated.
Or maybe add in a button you yourself can press to synch together your fields with the values on their website?

I'm not a developer either, I'm just spit balling here.
Maybe someone with experience in coding can help some more.

Well first off some of the prices are wrong.
According to tf2spreadsheet.blogspot.co.uk anyway.
The prices I know of are Earbuds and Bills hats. But there may be others.

Have you considered some kind of real time update so that your fields take the values exactly from tf2spreadsheet as they get updated.
Or maybe add in a button you yourself can press to synch together your fields with the values on their website?

I'm not a developer either, I'm just spit balling here.
Maybe someone with experience in coding can help some more.

Other than that, I can only think of manually checking the blogspot sheet, and updating your values accordingly.

the values, as indicated in the footer are taken from the TF2CPG at http://tf2spreadsheet.blogspot.com/
the data is updated on the hour. this way the spreadsheet isn't getting hammered. this data is also cached so it can serve many users without having to persistently hammer the spreadsheet. it's a one-off scrape every hour and only updates if anything has changed.

also, re: the price differences. the spreadsheet displays ranges whereas i display singular values. i believe my parser chooses the upper limit from the spreadsheet. using singular values makes the data a bit more accessible for me in the database.


DARKLY Regular
Hey ecto,

Thanks for letting me use the website as a source for the plugin since we couldn't find any other stable sources for the TF2 client.
As Zach basically said, since the prices are singular and not showing the range, other people (going to guess) are thinking the prices wrong.
Can you make it so it retrieves the ranges as-well, you don't have to if you don't want. Just some feedback so it's basically like the spreadsheet source. (or copy the current DB, and make another one that retrieves the ranges. And have an option to show either or)


TD Admin / Wanker
Well the last time I checked, the prices for buds and bills were completely out of whack.
Like by a few keys worth. No way near the ranges.

It seems that it has been sorted now though.