if there are reasons why users seem to loathe the site please let me know what i can do to make it more palatable.
i am very open to any and all feedback any of you may have.
i appreciate it!
Well first off some of the prices are wrong.
According to tf2spreadsheet.blogspot.co.uk anyway.
The prices I know of are Earbuds and Bills hats. But there may be others.
Have you considered some kind of real time update so that your fields take the values exactly from tf2spreadsheet as they get updated.
Or maybe add in a button you yourself can press to synch together your fields with the values on their website?
I'm not a developer either, I'm just spit balling here.
Maybe someone with experience in coding can help some more.
Other than that, I can only think of manually checking the blogspot sheet, and updating your values accordingly.