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Spank Children


TD Member
ya i know whenever i write a resume i send it to other people first to make sure i dont screw anything up on it spelling wise. and i would never use lol on a resume


TD Admin
I used to get spanked.
even when i was like 11 the threat of a spanking would still pop up every once in a while.
parents have to be aware that if you teach your kid that spanking is a form of punishment, The kids will grow up thinking that the best way to punish anyone who is mean to them is to kick their ass.


TD Admin


Fuck I almost choked on my lunch LOLing


TD Admin
You passed grade 12 english? God have mercy on us all.

Here is a life lesson for you: First impressions matter, and written word is more important than a lot of people think. I've actually come across resumes that included the words, "LOL" in them.


FUCK I almost died choking on my lunch again!! YES THE SAME SAID LUNCH IN MY PREV. POST...oh gawd...


TD Admin
You passed grade 12 english? God have mercy on us all.

Here is a life lesson for you: First impressions matter, and written word is more important than a lot of people think. I've actually come across resumes that included the words, "LOL" in them.


LOL is an awesome word :D!!

Hmmm ... Narf chockes a lot ... interesting.


TD Admin
LOL is an awesome word :D!!

Hmmm ... Narf chockes a lot ... interesting.

Yeah, you'd think I've learned to suppress my gag-reflex by now. But no.


TD Member

Good man, also, spell check works like a mother fucker.

In graphic design our resumes need to be super perfect. if an employer sees us use a double space instead of a tab, or for example, a proper quotation mark isn't created by pressing ", you actually have to insert a proper quotation mark. There are a plethora of other things we need to watch out for because one mistake = no job



2012 Troll of the Year
the dont teach english where 35 is from...they teach ass kicking, want to learn? heh



TD Member
the dont teach english where 35 is from...they teach ass kicking, want to learn? heh

and by ass kicking you mean spanking? you already know my answer ;p


2012 Troll of the Year

Good man, also, spell check works like a mother fucker.

In graphic design our resumes need to be super perfect. if an employer sees us use a double space instead of a tab, or for example, a proper quotation mark isn't created by pressing ", you actually have to insert a proper quotation mark. There are a plethora of other things we need to watch out for because one mistake = no job


That's the God's honest truth. In my line of work, where you have to be exceedingly precise with zero room for error, it reflects very poorly on someone if their resume has a typo on it. After all, if you screw that up....

I had a chance at the uber job once, and I didn't get it because I screwed up a date on one of my previous jobs. fuck me. Gotta burn to learn..


TD Member
I think it can get out of control sometimes. But then again, those little fuckers that back talk and come to class late and think they're the shit need a good smack or two.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i fail at everything i touch.

plz delete :D double post
i was the same as leroy, i feared and respected him growing up and even though i could take him down now i still cower to the sound of his voice


TD Member
my teacher used to beat me back in teh motherland. se used to grab us by our hair a lot lol

That was because your spelling is so awesome, ;)

in my case were my boys go to a ghetto school and the whole school is lawless savage little mexican gangbanger recruits,,, Yes i think they should have the option to strike them like prop used to get . the teachers i have talked to are a bunch of ass kissing pussies who would take a beating from a student rather than put a mutha fucker in check. so ultimately yes i do think the teachers should be able to keep there students in check.