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Spank Children


TD Member
They used to when I was in grade school. Whip your hands with a thin belt, they called it "the strap". I don't imagine it's allowed anymore though, unfortunately.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
my teacher used to beat me back in teh motherland. se used to grab us by our hair a lot lol


TD Admin
my teacher used to beat me back in teh motherland. se used to grab us by our hair a lot lol
Is that how you learned to not grow hair?


TD Member
nah theres not much use for beatings these days. besides. you can give much worse punishments to kids through sheer tactics. You would be surprised with how much hell you can put a kid through in a humane way

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
my neighbor is a nice guy and all but i talked to hom how he is disciplining his son, around 3 and a half... he can catch a beating from some designated ruler they use. OR
they get him to stand in the corner and hold his arms in the air for around 5 minutes, he knows if he puts his arms down, even though it hurts like a bitch and crying he doesn't want the ruler lol.

little kids can get incredibly ignorant and pain is the only thing they will understand., you have to come down on them with the hammer of thor, personally, if my daughter acts up, she just gets a time out and we cut her off the sugar, she sorts herself out.

fuckin teachers should be able to figure out a way to control kids without hitting them...


Professional Cocksucker
Back in the day in Europe, teachers hit students with rulers or something similar. If your parents found out they hit you too.

When I was little my dad use to beat me and sometimes make me stand on my knees facing a corner with my arms straight in the air.


TD Admin | Bacon
my teacher used to beat me back in teh motherland. se used to grab us by our hair a lot lol
Is that how you learned to not grow hair?



TD Admin


I got my ass whooped as a kid; slippers, cricket bats. And i turned out to be a gem with a controlled drug habit.

But in this day and age i dont think there's much to beatings anymore. Likee 68 cal said you can be more cunning in punishment.


2012 Troll of the Year
Fear is respect, and my children will respect me.

My dad, I love him to fucking bits, is an imposing 6'5, 300lbs. To this day, when he raises his voice, I listen.


TD Member
Fear is respect, and my children will respect me.

My dad, I love him to fucking bits, is an imposing 6'5, 300lbs. To this day, when he raises his voice, I listen.

+1 to that. My dad was a cop, he was a very intimidating man, we didn't fuck around. If we did we would get it, the belt was his favorite weapon. If we were driving he would stop the vehicle and cut a willow and whip us with it at the roadside, no mercy, no one said fuck all back then, everyone beat their kids. I turned out OK, other then my controlled alcoholism.


2012 Troll of the Year
You're what we call in the biz, "functioning alcoholic". So long as you don't beat your wife, and it doesn't impede your work, you're fine.


TD Member
i grew up after the beating children was frowned opon but my parents still spanked me, im no worse off for it but i do think teachers need to be able to do something about braty kids not baby them. kids are now taught that they cant fail and that its ok to be happy with mediocre work wich is why so many kids ar stupid. i remember when i was in grade 7 all the teachers in my school were no longer alowed to mark in red pen because it was "too hard on the students".

kids need to be taught that if they fail its not OK and they need to be taught that if they fail try and try again until they sucsed. a good case and point i should not have passed grade 12 acidemic english but i did because god forbid the school system hurts my feelings. its not ok to teach kids its ok to fail. and if beating the shit outa them and makeing them cry makes that happen then so be it. id rather have grown up getting beaten then being 19 and looking back at school and realizing that up until college i dont think i came away with a single valuable peice of information or life leson. i owe who i am to my own curiosity and my parents pushing me. something needs to change.


2012 Troll of the Year
You passed grade 12 english? God have mercy on us all.

Here is a life lesson for you: First impressions matter, and written word is more important than a lot of people think. I've actually come across resumes that included the words, "LOL" in them.