sound error on trade servers


DARKLY Regular
hey, so i've never had trouble joining the trade servers before, but now it's giving me this error.


it pops up after i've loaded into the game
I did a manual and auto search of my computer for this file and nothing comes up.


....also, if your suggestion is uninstall/reinstall, you deserve a punch in the dick. thank you.


DARKLY Regular

....each one get progressively more violent. brass knuckles... barbed wire.... you get the idea.


Death by Darkly
This is a common problem, with a couple causes/fixes:

Sometimes it's just a bug in the game engine, and typically a simple game restart will fix this. I'm assuming you've already tried this.

Delete/reinstall any custom models, texture, HUDs, et cetera that you've installed in the game. Be sure to verify your game files, regardless of whether you've installed any custom files or not.

Another cause is that you're attempting to join our servers from another server with a different item whitelist, which makes TF2 flip out for no real reason. We recently implemented server changes that prohibits the use of Pans which is what made me think of this, but if that was the cause I'd imagine we'd be getting a lot more reports of this as it would affect more people. At exactly what time did this error first occur, and when was the last time it was working? Also make sure that you join one of our servers immediately after starting the game, just to test it out.

TL;DR - Delete any custom files (except maps) > Verify Game Files in Steam > Join our server immediately after starting game

Post back what you find out.


DARKLY Regular
so i tried joining immediately after opening TF2 and it worked. went into multiple trade servers as well. so.... that's awesome.


Death by Darkly
Yeah, it must've just been whatever server you were on previously - you'd most likely get the same error no matter what server you join, provided you were on that server initially.