Some notes on the broken plugins...

Tick Tock Man

Senior TF2 Admin
Staff member
I see a lot of speculation about what's going on and how simple the fix should be...

So to clarify the situation - we are running a whole bunch of different plugins that make Darkly servers what they are...

The Premium plugin is not the problem here - if it was a simple re-install would have been performed as soon as the problem started (and one was just in case) - this is a problem with how SourceMod itself is authenticating users for access to certain commands..

With every new update, some things change and frequently SM has to release updates to accommodate those changes - this in turn affects how SM interacts with different plugins, occasionally with unexpected results...

One last thing - the amount of complaining the regular players have put in doesn't even come close to the amount of complaining Staff has done about this - most Staff don't even have access to their normal commands....We want this fixed badly, probably far more than the regular players do - so bear with us, this is quite a complex install Gatherix has setup, which works amazingly well most of the time - but it does provide a level of complexity and multiple possible failure points to consider and test.
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