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TD Admin (and LiR)
Anyone down to go boarding sometime? I used to board bout 2-3 days a week, but the past few years I haven't gone at all. I fucking miss going up on that hill/mountain. Im down for anything local (within 100km of toronto)


Future Ban List Occupant
snowboards are for the mentally disabled. I will bring my skis if that is ok and you are not in the park all day.


TD Admin (and LiR)
lol snowboarding>skiing....but yea i dont spent all my time in the park. bout half/half


2012 Troll of the Year
I'm mentally disabled, and have been riding since the dawn of time, on a direction burton, serrells duct taped to the board after my bindings broke.

Now I ride a 62 custom X wide, which is considered my last hurrah sport board before I retired probably with a ride 86 or 70.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I board, but I still don't own one. I've been fortunate to go into my 5th season now riding my buddy's old board... I'll probably just buy it off of him. I'm good enough to get down any hill safely and enjoy riding all day... just no jumps yet haha

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Ill go to blue myself... :(
Yo dude, me and my boy are gonna start going again once the snow is more consistent.. we often hit Horseshoe Valley (GREATEST pub ever at the foot of the hill, lots of good girls around), and we're going to start to hit some hills in the UxBridge/Fenelon Falls/Kirkfield area as his parents moved up there...

I'll holler!


2012 Troll of the Year
I've reduced my role in TD from the best to the best troll.

My fall from decline is epic and legendary, and I tell it to random girls in the bar. Random, unfortunate university students, obviously biology majors, who get cornered by me, in the bar.

It is a definite improvement however, from when I would chat random girls up about my css score. haahha dumb broads.

Fork Included

TD Admin
I've reduced my role in TD from the best to the best troll.

My fall from decline is epic and legendary, and I tell it to random girls in the bar. Random, unfortunate university students, obviously biology majors, who get cornered by me, in the bar.

It is a definite improvement however, from when I would chat random girls up about my css score. haahha dumb broads.

i hope the jails in Calgary are nice because i will murder you the moment i come to visit you.


2012 Troll of the Year
I honestly can't wait to meet you. You can see in real life, that I'm actually a troll, but an honest troll. All these stupid stories mang, are the truth.