Server Suggestions


TD Admin
Not sure what plugin this one is exactly but it looks the exact same as the one TD uses on the CS:GO server. Anyway we could use the same plugin used in CS for the TF2 servers?




Death by Darkly
That's a stats plugin. Most TF2 servers use HlStatsX or whatever because it's free (I think), but we use Game.ME for both TD and TF2. We have it set to not output all that stuff to the chat on TF2 since it spams the chatbox (instant respawn?) and makes talking/trading via chat pretty difficult. But it still does all that in the background and applies it to your Game.ME profile on Darkly.


Senior TF2 Admin
I still think the servers should have Halloween enabled. Draw in some people and I- I mean we can show off Halloween stuff.

Yes. I fully agree with enabling halloween on the servers. Whenever I'm trading with halloween stuff I can't throw it on myself to show people.

Another thing:
I think we should get a new Trade_Plaza map variant, with resupply lockers and NO WATER. There are so many different versions of the map out there that there should be one with just those two things different.


DARKLY Regular
I think we should get a new Trade_Plaza map variant, with resupply lockers and NO WATER. There are so many different versions of the map out there that there should be one with just those two things different.

One can only pray and hope. :)